C++11 library for loading and parsing glTF assets.
The only dependencies used are header only libraries, rapidjson and a header for decoding Base64 strings, that need not be present unless you are building the library.
mkdir out && cd out/
cmake ../
If you have cmake tools installed with Visual Studio (You can use the installer to get it, Tools->Get Tools and Features
), you can just open the folder with Visual Studio and carry on as if it were a sln file.
You could also use cmake to generate an sln file.
After building, copy out the include
and lib
folder in output/
which would have the needed header and static library file.
The interface supports loading GLTF and GLB files from either memory or file path.
EGLTF::CEasyGLTF* easygltf = new EGLTF::CEasyGLTF();
if (!easygltf->LoadGLB_file("Monster/glTF-Binary/Monster.glb"))
return false;
// The SGLTFAsset is a higher level representation of a gltf asset from the loaded file(s).
// All the information of the loaded asset can be accessed from this struct.
EGLTF::SGLTFAsset asset = easyglt->GetAssetInstance(); // returns a const reference