
Android loading view library 📊🍭

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Loading android view lib

Gradle :

build.gradle (Project)

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

build.gradle (Module)

implementation 'com.github.NikitaGordia:Cosin:1.0.0'

Quick start guide


        android:layout_height="140dp" />


Property Description
speed Angle speed
isLoading If 'true' shows symbols on rectangle
rectWidth Width each of rectangle
period Determine period of cosinusoidal function
colorAdapter Define color changes by two parameters (position count, height percent) for each rectagle
offset Moving bottom offset
directionRight Determine movement side
textAdapter Define text changes by position count for each rectagle

There are 6 default ColorAdapter implementation in box :

  • DefaultColorAdapterGB (Green -> Blue)
  • ColorAdapterBG (Blue -> Green)
  • ColorAdapterBR (Blue -> Red)
  • ColorAdapterGR (Green -> Blue)
  • ColorAdapterRB (Red -> Blue)
  • ColorAdapterRG (Red -> Green)
  • ColorAdapterBG (Blue -> Green)

There are 2 default TextAdapter implementation in box :

  • DefaultBinaryTextAdapter (shows random [0, 1] symbols in each rectagle)
  • WordTextAdapter (shows specified cycle String)

ColorAdapter overriding example :

public class ColorAdapterBR implements Cosin.ColorAdapter {

    public int getBackgroundColor() {
        return Color.TRANSPARENT;

    public int calcColor(int numOfRect, double percentOfHeght) {
        return Color.argb(150, (int)(255 * (1d - percentOfHeght)), 0, (int)(255 * percentOfHeght));

TextAdapter overriding example :

public class WordTextAdapter implements Cosin.TextAdapter {

    private String word;

    public WordTextAdapter(String word) {
        this.word = word;

    public char getString(int numOfRect) {
        if (word.isEmpty()) return ' ';
        return word.charAt(numOfRect % word.length());

A bit more gifs