
Music composition tool employing LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) networks to generate unique musical sequences.

Primary LanguagePython

Music Composer

Music Composer is a Python-based program that employs LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) networks to generate unique musical sequences. This tool can be used to create original music compositions or assist musicians in the creative process.


  • Data Preprocessing: Load MIDI files, extract musical notes and chords, and prepare sequences for training the LSTM model.
  • Model Training: Train the LSTM model using preprocessed music data to learn the patterns and structure of musical sequences.
  • Music Generation: Generate new musical sequences using the trained LSTM model, allowing for the creation of original compositions.
  • Evaluation: Evaluate the quality of the generated music sequences based on metrics such as pitch range and note duration.
  • User Interaction: Interact with the program through a command-line interface to generate music and control the process.

Files and Components

The program consists of the following components and files:

  1. main.py: The main entry point of the program that orchestrates the training, generation, evaluation, and user interaction.
  2. data_preprocessing.py: Handles preprocessing of music data, including loading MIDI files and preparing sequences.
  3. model.py: Defines the LSTM model architecture for music generation.
  4. train.py: Trains the LSTM model using preprocessed music data.
  5. generate.py: Generates new musical sequences using the trained model.
  6. evaluation.py: Evaluates the quality of the generated music sequences.
  7. music_utils.py: Utility functions for handling music data, such as saving MIDI files and plotting music sequences.
  8. config.py: Configuration parameters for the model, training process, and data handling.
  9. dataset.py: Dataset class for loading and preprocessing music data.
  10. losses.py: Custom loss functions for training the LSTM model.


To use the Music Composer program:

  1. Install the required dependencies listed in requirements.txt.
  2. Prepare your music dataset in MIDI format and specify the data path in config.py.
  3. Run main.py to train the model, generate music, and interact with the program.

Future Improvements

  • Implement more sophisticated evaluation metrics for assessing the musicality of generated sequences.
  • Explore advanced LSTM architectures and hyperparameter tuning for improved music generation.
  • Integrate with external libraries or APIs for additional features such as music playback and visualization.