
An elegant highlight focus guide written in swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT




  • Support for custom area focus.
  • Support for custom view focus.
  • Support for custom mask graphic focus.
  • Support single-page multi-focus display.
  • Support multiple prompts for each focus.


CocoaPods - Podfile

source 'https://github.com/lixiang1994/Specs'

pod 'Guider'

Carthage - Cartfile

github "lixiang1994/Guider"


First make sure to import the framework:

import Guider

Here are some usage examples. All devices are also available as simulators:

Each page contains multiple items, each containing a focus and multiple prompts.



var item = Guider.PageItem(.view(cell))
item = item.set(focus: {
    // focus click action
item = item.set(prompt: { (index) in
    // prompts click action
// add prompt
item = item.add(prompt: .image(image, .top(0.0)))


Guider.Page(items: [item]) {
    // page click action

Start Guider

// The default guide page will be added to the current keyWindow
Guider.Provider.start([page]) {
    // Guided completion

Next page


Stop Guider


Focus Type

enum Focus {
    // UIView
    case view(UIView)
    case viewInsets(UIView, UIEdgeInsets)
    case viewInsetsCorner(UIView, UIEdgeInsets, cornerRadius: CGFloat)
    case viewInsetsMask(UIView, UIEdgeInsets, UIImage)
    // CGRect
    case rect(CGRect)
    case ellipse(CGRect)
    case mask(CGRect, UIImage)
    case rounded(CGRect, cornerRadius: CGFloat)
    case roundedCorners(CGRect, roundingCorners: UIRectCorner, cornerRadii: CGSize)
    case cirque(center: CGPoint, radius: CGFloat, startAngle: CGFloat, endAngle: CGFloat, clockwise: Bool)

Prompt Type

enum Prompt {
    case image(UIImage, Position)
    case view(UIView, Position)


If you have the need for a specific feature that you want implemented or if you experienced a bug, please open an issue. If you extended the functionality of Guider yourself and want others to use it too, please submit a pull request.


Guider is under MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.