
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Connecting ChatBots.

Wechaty is a Bot Framework for Wechat Personal Account which can help you create a bot in 6 lines of javascript by easy to use API, with cross-platform support include Linux, Windows, Darwin(OSX/Mac) and Docker.

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/zixia/wechaty node Repo Size

:octocat: https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty
🪲 https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty/issues
📖 https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty/wiki
🐳 https://hub.docker.com/r/zixia/wechaty


Wechaty is super easy to use, especially when you are using Docker.
This repo contains the code about the video tutorial.

Functions as follows:

  • If you send the bot a 'hello', the bot will reply you 'hello how are you'
  • If you send the bot a 'test', the bot will add you in the room 'test' (You should create a room called test before)
  • If you send the bot a 'out', the bot will remove you from the room 'test'

The above 10 minutes video tutorial, which is a good start if you are new to Wechaty.

Learn more about wechaty: Wechaty



git clone https://github.com/lijiarui/wechaty-getting-started.git
cd wechaty-getting-started
docker run -ti --volume="$(pwd)":/bot --rm zixia/wechaty mybot.ts


git clone https://github.com/lijiarui/wechaty-getting-started.git
npm install
node mybot.js