
An elegant,powerful,easy-to-read Hexo theme.

Primary LanguageCSSOtherNOASSERTION

Chic theme

Chic ,French word means 'Elegant' in English.

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An elegant,powerful,easy-to-read Hexo theme.



  • Appropriate blank blocks,elegant but not simple.

  • Light/Dark theme,just one click.

  • Abundant highlight mode.

  • elaborately selected fonts,best reading experience. * 'Microsoft Jhenghei' especially recommended.

  • Auto fit Mobile and Screen responsively.

  • Support MathJax,Support Formula written in LaTeX.


cd your-blog/themes
git clone https://github.com/Siricee/hexo-theme-Chic.git Chic
// Modify theme setting in _config.yml to Chic.


click here to spread
# html lang
language: en

# Header
navname: Bentham's Blog

# navigatior items
  Posts: /archives
  Categories: /category
  Tags: /tag
  About: /about

# favicon
favicon: /favicon.ico

# Profile
nickname: Jeremy Bentham

### this variable is MarkDown form.
description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, **consectetur adipiscing elit.** <br>Fusce eget urna vitae velit *eleifend interdum at ac* nisi.
avatar: /image/avatar.jpeg

# main menu navigation
## links key words should not be changed.
## Complete url after key words.
## Unused key can be commented out.
  Blog: /
#  Category:
#  Tags:
#  Link:
#  Resume:
#  Publish:
#  Trophy:
#  Gallary:
#  RSS:
#  AliPay:
  ZhiHu: https://www.zhihu.com/people/sirice
#  LinkedIn:
#  FaceBook:
#  Twitter:
#  Skype:
#  CodeSandBox:
#  CodePen:
#  Sketch:
#  Gitlab:
#  Dribble:
#  YouTube:
#  QQ:
#  Weibo:
#  WeChat:
  Github: https://github.com/Siricee

# how links show: you have 2 choice--text or icon.
links_text_enable: false
links_icon_enable: true

# Post page
## Post_meta
post_meta_enable: true

post_author_enable: true
post_date_enable: true
post_category_enable: true
## Post copyright
post_copyright_enable: true

post_copyright_author_enable: true
post_copyright_permalink_enable: true
post_copyright_license_enable: true
post_copyright_license_text: Copyright (c) 2019 <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/">CC-BY-NC-4.0</a> LICENSE
post_copyright_slogan_enable: true
post_copyright_slogan_text: Do you believe in <strong>DESTINY<strong>?
## toc
post_toc_enable: true

# Page
page_title_enable: true

# Date / Time format
## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date
## You can customize the date format as defined in
## http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
date_format: MMMM D, YYYY
time_format: H:mm:ss

# stylesheets loaded in the <head>
  - /css/style.css

# scripts loaded in the end of the body
  - /js/script.js
  - /js/tocbot.min.js
    # tscanlin/tocbot: Build a table of contents from headings in an HTML document.
    # https://github.com/tscanlin/tocbot

# plugin functions
## Mathjax: Math Formula Support
## https://www.mathjax.org
  enable: true
  import: demand # global or demand
  ## global: all pages will load mathjax,this will degrade performance and some grammers may be parsed wrong.
  ## demand: Recommend option,if your post need fomula, you can declare 'mathjax: true' in Front-matter

Add 'Tag','Category' Page

There is no 'tag' or 'category' page in initialized site. If you need it, please follow the steps below.

  1. execute command
hexo new page tag
hexo new page category
  1. enter the dictionary
cd source/tag
  1. add 'layout' key
// source\tag\index.md
title: Tag
layout: tag
  1. So do the category page.please set keyword 'layout' category.

MathJax (Render LaTeX Formula)

Related config file(Chic/_config.yml):

# plugin functions
## Mathjax: Math Formula Support
## https://www.mathjax.org
  enable: true
  import: global # global or demand
  ## global: all pages will load mathjax,this will degrade performance and some grammers may be parsed wrong.
  ## demand: if your post need fomula, you can declare 'mathjax: true' in Front-matter

mathjax has keywords below:

  • enable: valuetrue enable mathjax(default set true); valuefalse disable.
  • import:this key sets mathjax load method,option could be global or demand.
    • global:global import,all pages will load script.It's convenient,but it may cause some MarkDown grammers parsed wrong.for example, consecutive $$ will be rendered as a formula;Besides,global import will waste performance in pages without any formula.
    • demand【Recommended】:import mathjax when you need.After you set this value,if you need use formula,just declare it in post Front-matter.Here is an example below.
      title: MathJax Test
      date: 2019-07-05 21:27:59
      mathjax: true # add this statement,MathJax will enable in this post.

LaTeX grammers will not be illustrated in this doc. In Chic theme, Single '$' rounded statement is regarded as inline formula like $f(x)=ax+b$ ; Double '$' rounded statement is regarded as block formula like $$f(x)=ax+b$$.More information please read LaTeX doc and Formula test page in Demo Site.


  • Highlight Style: Enter hexo-theme-Chic\themes\Chic\source\css\style.styl change stylesheet with key word _highlight in link in _highlight dictionary.

  • Customize stylesheets in path below.(stylus)


  • Customize javascripts in dictionary below.


    Then add declareation in _config.yml key word 'script'


  1. I deployed my site on second-level url(such as username.github.io/Blog), why my css,avatar and other sources missed(404 error)?

    Answer: You need change some URLs in root config url keyword. For instance:

    # (blog/_config.yml)
    # URL
    ## If your site is put in a subdirectory, set url as 'http://yoursite.com/child' and root as '/child/'
    url: https://siricee.github.io/hexo-theme-Chic/  # this is your deploy url.
    root: /hexo-theme-Chic/  # this is your root folder url.
    permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/
  2. More questions is waiting to be supplied...


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Chic © @Sirice

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.