The versatile dict for Python!
pip3 install path-dict
from path_dict import PathDict
PathDict is like a normal python dict, but comes with some handy extras.
# Empty PathDict
pd = PathDict()
> pd
---> PathDict({})
A PathDict keeps a reference to the original initializing dict:
user = {
"name": "Joe",
"age": 22,
"hobbies": ["Playing football", "Podcasts"]
"friends": {
"Sue": {"age": 30},
"Ben": {"age": 35},
joe = PathDict(user)
> joe == user
---> True
> joe.dict is user
---> True
You can also get a deep copy:
joe = PathDict(user, deepcopy=True)
> joe == user
---> True
> joe.dict is user
---> False
You can use paths of keys to access values:
joe = PathDict(user, deepcopy=True)
# Get existing path
> joe["friends", "Sue", "age"]
---> 30
# Get non-existent, but valid path
> joe["friends", "Josef", "age"]
---> None
# Set non-existent, but valid path, creates keys
joe["authentification", "password"] = "abc123"
> joe["authentification"]
---> PathDict({"password": "abc123"})
Using invalid paths to get or set a value will result in an error. An invalid path is a path that tries to access a key of an int or list, for example. So, only use paths to access hierarchies of PathDicts.
joe = PathDict(user, deepcopy=True)
# Get invalid path (joe["hobbies"] is a list)
> joe["hobbies", "not_existent"]
---> Error!
Many of the usual dict methods work with PathDict:
pathdict = ...
for key, value in pathdict.items():
for key in pathdict:
for key in pathdict.keys():
for value in pathdict.values():
When setting a value, you can use a lambda function to modify the value at a given path. The function should take one argument and return the modified value.
stats_dict = {}
stats_pd = PathDict({})
# Using a standard dict:
if "views" not in stats_dict:
stats_dict["views"] = {}
if "total" not in stats_dict["views"]:
stats_dict["views"]["total"] = 0
stats_dict["views"]["total"] += 1
# You can achieve the same using a PathDict:
stats_pd["views", "total"] = lambda x: (x or 0) + 1
PathDicts offer a filter function, which can filter a list or a PathDict at a given path in-place.
To filter a list, pass a function that takes one argument (eg. lambda ele: return ele > 10
) and returns True if the value should be kept, else False.
To filter a PathDict, pass a function that takes two arguments (eg. lambda key, value: key != "1"
) and returns True if the key-value pair should be kept, else False.
You can filter the PathDict filter is called on, or you can also pass a path into the filter to apply the filter at a given path.
A filtered function is also offered, which does the same, but returns a filtered deepcopy instead of filtering in-place.
joe = PathDict(user, deepcopy=True)
# Remove all friends that are older than 33.
joe.filter("friends", f=lambda k, v: v["age"] < 33)
> joe["friends"]
---> PathDict({
"Sue": {"age": 30}
The aggregate function can combine a PathDict to a single aggregated value.
It takes an init parameter, and a function with takes three arguments (eg. lambda key, val, agg
joe = PathDict(user, deepcopy=True)
# Sum of ages of all friends of joe
friend_ages = joe.aggregate("friends", init=0, f=lambda k, v, a: a + v["age"])
> friend_ages
---> 65
To serialize a PathDict to JSON, call json.dumps(path_dict.dict)
If you try to serialize a PathDict object itself, the operation will fail.