
A toy web rendering engine written in the Swift language.

Primary LanguageSwift


A toy web rendering engine written in the Swift language.

After reading Matt Brubeck's (mbrubeck@limpet.net) Let's build a browser engine!, a series of articles about how to make you own html rendring engine.

As a swift developer, i will try to implement it in Swift language.

I'm writing this code purely for practise purposes. The goal is to create an incomplete but extremely simple engine as a way to learn more about basic implementation techniques.

Thanks Matt Brubeck's share about this topic. As a beginner, i can have chance to learn the browser engine "under the hood" with a good guide .

For more details see Matt Brubeck's github https://github.com/mbrubeck/robinson.



  • Parse a small subset of HTML and build a DOM tree.
  • Parse a small subset of CSS.
  • Perform selector matching to apply styles to elements.
  • Basic block layout.



