
Get video stream from your android device as numpy array + basic control

Primary LanguagePython

py android viewer

This package allows you to get video stream from android device.

Stream frames already converted to numpy array using PyAV

Also this package allows you to send touch events to devices.

How it works

I am using scrcpy server and connect to two sockets, video and control sockets. Video stream has almost no delay because i am not using separate process of ffmpeg and use direct bindings to ffmpeg to decode video.





import cv2
from viewer import AndroidViewer

# This will deploy and run server on android device connected to USB
android = AndroidViewer()

while True:
    frames = android.get_next_frames()
    if frames is None:
    for frame in frames:
        cv2.imshow('game', frame)

Send swipe event:

    android = AndroidViewer()
    android.swipe(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y)