An Android app that asks the user for a departure airport, searches a pre-populated database to present a list of flights that depart from that airport, lets the user save favorite flights, and updates the database with Room.
Retrieve Data from a Room Database with 2 tables Airports and Favorites.
Save Search value to user preferences.
When the user reopens the app, the search text is prepopulate from preferences
- Search Screen with an empty textField to search DB
- On Empty Search Text
- we show a list of Saved Favorite Flights if saved flight are found
- On Search Text entering
- we show search results, a list of airports
- Clicking on an item (Airport), takes as to the Flight Screen
- we show search results, a list of airports
- Flight Screen
- is a list of flights against all other Airports in DB
- Clicking on a flight save it to Favorites
ref: flight-search-app-android-kotlin-compose