
A library implementing SDI-12 Data Recorder functionality

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

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A class implementing SDI-12 Data Recorder functionality. For more details on the SDI-12 protocol, visit http://sdi-12.org. Quote from the SDI-12 web site:

SDI-12 stands for serial data interface at 1200 baud. It is a standard to interface battery powered data recorders with micro-processor based sensors designed for environmental data acquisition (EDA)."


The class is provided as an xPack (for more details on xPacks see https://xpack.github.io). It can be installed in a project using either xpm or the attached script. Of course, it can be installed without using the xPacks tools, either by linking the class as a Git submodule or by copying it in your project, but then updating it later might be more difficult.

Note that the xPacks project evolved with the time. Initially it was based on shell scripts, but the current version is based on a set of utilities, xpm and a JSON description file. You will still find the xpacks-helper.sh script in the scripts subdirectory, but it is not recommened as it is deprecated and will not be supported in the future. Instead use the procedure described below.

To install the package using xpm you must make sure that you have already nodejs and xpm installed on your computer (see also xPack install). Then, in your project directory issue the commands:

cd my-project
xpm init # Add a package.json if not already present
xpm install github:lixpaulian/dacq#v1.5.4 --copy

Note: Without --copy, the default is to create a link to a read-only instance of the package in the xpm central store.


This software depends on the following packages, available as xPacks:

The class has been first developed on an ARM Cortex M7 platform from ST, but it does not depend on a specific microcontroller.

API Description

The sdi-12-dr class implements several primitives that may be used to resolve all the commands described in the SDI-12 specification, version 1.3 (the new commands introduced in the more recent 1.4 SDI-12 specification are not supported).

The generic dacq class defines following primitives (a specific class, and the sdi-12-dr is no exception, might implement only a subset of these):

// open a SDI-12 serial port
open (speed_t baudrate, uint32_t c_size, uint32_t parity, uint32_t rec_timeout);

// provides a direct connection to the DACQ port
direct (int fildes, int timeout);

// close an open SDI-12 serial port
close (void);

// check if an operation is under way, i.e. if the system is busy
is_busy (void);

// get driver version number
get_version (uint8_t& version_major, uint8_t& version_minor, uint8_t& version_patch);

// send identification command
get_info (int id, char* ver, size_t len);

// sample a sensor command using M/C and D, or R SDI-12 commands
retrieve (dacq_handle_t* dacqh);

// executes a transparent SDI-12 transaction (sends a request and returns the answer)
transparent (char* xfer_buff, int& len);

// change sensor address
change_id (int id, int new_id);

// set the acquisition/sampling interval
set_acq_interval (int interval);

// get the current acquisition/sampling interval
get_acq_interval (int& interval);

// set the date/time of the sensor/logger
set_date (time_t date);

// get the current date of the sensor/logger
get_date (void);

// abort a running operation (e.g. retrieve)
abort (void);

// set a function to dump transactions with the sensor(s), e.g. for protocol debugging.
set_dump_fn (void (*dump_fn) (char*));

// disable dumping sensor transactions.
unset_dump_fn (void);

Most functions return a boolean, if it is true, then the function was successful, otherwise it failed. For more information on why it failed, the caller can use the error structure containing the error type and the error text (see below).

typedef struct err_
    int error_number;
    const char* error_text;
  } err_t;

For more details on how to use of these primitives, please see dacq.h header file and the test files.


Following symbols are used to configure the software:

SDI_BREAK_LEN defines the length of the break character (default 20 milliseconds).

MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS defines the maximum number of concurrent requests (default 10) when using the retrieve call in conjunction with the SDI-12 "C" (or "CC") command. It sets the maximum number of sensors that can be retrieved simultaneously. The retrieve call returns in this case immediatley after querrying a sensor, and the results are delivered through the provided call-back function after the sensor is ready. Between querry and result, the application is free to issue parallel ("concurrent") querries to other sensors.

Note that this option may significantly increase the RAM usage: 36 bytes of RAM per concurrent request are used; for 10 concurrent sensor requests that would mean 360 bytes of RAM. In addition, a separate "SDI-12 collect" thread will be started with its own stack and RAM requirements. The advantage of the asynchronous primitive comes in handy when there are many sensors to querry, as by paralleling the requests, the data retrieval will be done much faster.

On systems with reduced RAM, you may want to set MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS to 0. All SDI-12 data retrieval commands, including "C"/"CC" (concurrent) can still be issued using the retrieve primitive; however, in this case the concurrent commands "C"/"CC" will be sequentially executed too.

Note however, if you set MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS to 2 or more, all the sensors on the bus must be interrogated with (and support) the "C"/"CC" command. You cannot mix concurrent with non-concurrent requests on the same SDI-12 bus!


A test suite exercising most of the SDI-12 commands is included. You need an SDI-12 sensor to run the test; you might also need to adapt the test suite to the actual address of the sensor.

After the SDI-12 port is opened, following commands are executed:

  • acknowledge active
  • sensor identification
  • sensor address change (from initial default address 0 to address 1)
  • sensor sample (uses SDI-12 "M" and "D" commands)
  • asynchronous sensor sample for two different sensors using the SDI-12 concurrent "C" command
  • sensor address change (back to its original default)

After the test finishes, the SDI-12 port is closed.