
Makes frames for an animation to visualize voting on Maker stability fee changes

Primary LanguagePython


Makes frames for an animation to visualize voting on Maker stability fee changes. Parser and spell fetching all from: https://github.com/jernejml/mkr_voting Thank you!

  1. change the config.ini file to your node and etherscan api key

  2. python3 vote_vis.py --update_spells

  3. python3 vote_vis.py --update_voters

  4. python3 vote_vis.py --get_interactions

  5. python3 vote_vis.py --get_votes_per_frame

  6. python3 vote_vis.py --make_frames

  7. ffmpeg -r 24 -i 'vote_frame%05d.png' -c:v libx264 -r 24 out.mp4

Notes: You will need access to two different ethereum nodes for this to work. An infura node will not work with --update_voters . I've included the data objects which are up to date as of November 1, 2019. If you just want to build the frames, then you can just do --make frames and not worry about getting up to date data

It might break on the next vote if it includes a SF change and a debt ceiling change. If it breaks for you let me know on the rocketchat