Introduction to Microsoft R

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R, MRO and MRS

The purpose of this write-up is to help data scientists who are familiar with R better understand the commonalities and differences among R, Microsoft R Open (formerly Revolution R Open) and Microsoft R Server (formerly Revolution R Enterprise).

To view the complete document, go to http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/lixzhang/R-MRO-MRS/blob/master/Introduction_to_MRO_and_MRS.html

To download the source file (a Jupyter notebook), open the following link, then right click on "Raw" and select "Save target as": https://github.com/lixzhang/R-MRO-MRS/blob/master/Introduction_to_MRO_and_MRS.ipynb

A brief summary can be found on [Revolutions blog][revo link] or [R bloggers][blogger link]. [revo link]: http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2016/04/data-scientist-perspective.html [blogger link]: http://www.r-bloggers.com/a-data-scientists-perspective-on-microsoft-r/

Created by a Microsoft Employee.
Copyright (C) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.