Feathub is a feature store that facilitates feature development and deployment to achieve the following objectives:
- Reduce duplication of data engineering efforts by allowing new ML projects to reuse and share a library of curated production-ready features already registered by existing projects in the same organization.
- Simplify feature management by allowing users to specify feature definitions and feature processing jobs as code using a declarative framework.
- Facilitate feature development-to-deployment iteration by allowing users to use the same declarative feature definitions across training and serving, online and offline, without training-serving skew. Feathub takes care of compiling feature definitions into efficient processing jobs and executing those jobs in a distributed cluster.
Feathub provides SDK and infra that enable the following capabilities:
- Define feature-view (a group of related features) as transformations and joins of the existing feature-views and data sources.
- Register and retrieve feature-views by names from feature registry.
- Transform and materialize features for the given time range and/or keys from the feature view into feature stores, by applying transformations on source dataset with point-in-time correctness.
- Fetch online features by joining features from online feature store with on-demand transformations.
The figure above shows the key components and concepts in the FeatHub architecture.
The figure above shows how a developer can use FeatHub to facilitate feature engineering for model training and model inference. Please checkout Feathub architecture and concepts for more details.
Prerequisites for building python packages:
- Unix-like operating system (e.g. Linux, Mac OS X)
- x86_64 architecture
- Python 3.7
- Java 8
- Maven >= 3.1.1
Run the following command to install preview(nightly) version of Feathub.
$ python -m pip install feathub-nightly
Run the following command to install Feathub from source.
# Build Java dependencies for Feathub
$ cd java
$ mvn clean package -DskipTests
$ cd ..
# Install Feathub
$ python -m pip install ./python
Feathub provides different processors to compute features with different computation engine. Here is a list of supported processors and versions:
- Local
- Flink 1.15.2
Execute the following command to run the nyc_taxi.py demo which demonstrates the capabilities described above.
$ python python/feathub/examples/nyc_taxi.py
If you are interested in computing the Feathub features with Flink processor in a local Flink cluster. You can see the following quickstart with different deployment modes:
f_price = Feature(
f_total_payment_last_two_minutes = Feature(
expr="item_count * price",
f_total_payment_last_two_minutes = Feature(
expr="item_count * price",
f_trip_time_duration = Feature(
transform="UNIX_TIMESTAMP(taxi_dropoff_datetime) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(taxi_pickup_datetime)",
f_lower_case_name = Feature(
transform=PythonUdfTransform(lambda row: row["name"].lower()),
- This tutorial provides more details on how to define, extract and serve features using Feathub.
- This document explains the Feathub expression language.
- This document introduces the Flink processor that computes the features with Flink.
- feathub-examples provides additional FeatHub quickstarts that cover key FeatHub APIs and functionalities.
$ python -m pip install -r python/dev-requirements.txt
$ pytest -W ignore::DeprecationWarning
Feathub uses Black to format Python code, flake8 to check Python code style, and mypy to check type annotation.
Run the following command to format codes, check code style, and check type annotation before uploading PRs for review.
# Format python code
$ python -m black python
# Check python code style
$ python -m flake8 --config=python/setup.cfg python
# Check python type annotation
$ python -m mypy --config-file python/setup.cfg python
Here is a list of key features that we plan to support. Stay tuned!
- Support all FeatureView transformations with FlinkProcessor
- Support all FeatureView transformations with LocalProcessor
- Support common online and offline feature storages (e.g. MaxCompute, Redis, HDFS)
- Support online transformation with feature service
- Support integration with Notebook
- Support feature metadata exploration (e.g. definition, lineage, metrics) with FeatHub UI
- Support feature monitoring
Chinese-speaking users are recommended to join the following DingTalk group for questions and discussion.
English-speaking users can use this invitation link to join our Slack channel for questions and discussion.
We are actively looking for user feedback and contributors from the community. Please feel free to create pull requests and open Github issues for feedback and feature requests.
Come join us!