The arsenal is an assortment of python utilities for math, natural language processing / information extraction, systems programming, scripting/hacks, software development.
This project is a bit large and slightly messy. Part of this is because I dislike installing software on all of the machine I used (yes, even with tools as awesome as pip, easy_install, and virtualenv). One of my favorite passtimes is finding the "" of open-source projects and borrowing ideas. If you find any code missing proper attribution please let me know!
There are a lot of files here. I'd like to highlight a few of my most useful / favorite things:
A "dumping ground" for odd and ends. I normally drop things in here and later move them elsewhere if the turn out to be useful.
Automatically constructs a "main function" for any module which calls the automain function.
utilities such as
to help "robustify" your code.
the most useful things here are
utilities for working with the file system like atomic file writes and recursively listing directories (like UNIX find)
- nlp/
Contains many text-processing utilities useful in natural language processing. This directory has gotten big enough to almost become its own project. I've got some pretty good regular expression for scraping dates.
- debug/
I'm a big fan of
! ripped out bzr's infamous breakin feature. enabling this allows the user to send a SIGQUIT or SIGBREAK signal to a running process and get an interactive shell or pdb session AND even resume the process! I ripped out ultraTB from IPython (to remove the dependence) and make some of the functionality easier to use.
It's as simple as:
>>> from debug import ultraTB2; ultraTB2.enable()
- cache/
contains the
decorator and even a persistence shelve-based variant.