capstan is a benchmark which contains series of workloads and testing tools for Kubernetes. You can obtain the performance data of each workload and each component in the specific configuration of Kubernetes cluster offered by different cloud offering.
capstan aims to provide a series of workloads and testing tools for Kubernetes cluster:
Manage cluster lifecycle.
Run every workload's testing cases.
Collect the testing results and the performance data of Kubernetes component and Kubernetes cluster.
Analysis and display the testing results.
Generate a testing report and performance report.
Building a new cluster lifecycle management tool(e.g. kubeadm,kops,kubernetes-anywhere).
Building a new data collection and analysis tool(e.g. cadvisor,heapster).
- Basic cluster lifecycle management including creating, destroying and other operations (Optional).
- Design the testing indicators(P0).
- Design and Implement the framework of capstan(P0).
- Implement multiple workloads and testing tools(P1).
- Implement the online ranking system(P2).