
The source code of "A Novel Image Tamper Detection and Self-recovery Algorithm Based on Watermarking and Chaotic System"

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


Li, Yewen, et al. "A Novel Image Tamper Detection and Self-Recovery Algorithm Based on Watermarking and Chaotic System." Mathematics 7.10 (2019): 955. You can download the PDF from https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7390/7/10/955/pdf.

Some edit erros in paper

  1. Formula 14 is different from the source code, please infer the file smooth_function.m to see the details.
  2. Formula 16 has edit errors, the correct formula is as following:


If you have any questions about the source code or the paper, please contact with liyewen521@gmail.com