
StarConsoleLink inject the link to your Xcode console, which allows you to click on the link area rapid positioning to the log line.

Primary LanguageSwift

Introduction 【简介】

StarConsoleLink inject the link to your Xcode console, which allows you to click on the link area rapid positioning to the log line.


Smaller icon

How to use? 【使用说明】

  1. If you are using Swift, Copy ./StarConsoleLink/Need/Logger.swift to you project.

  2. If you are using Objective-C, Copy ./StarConsoleLink/Need/Logger.h and ./StarConsoleLink/Need/Logger.m to you project and #import "Logger.h" to you PrefixHeader.pch.

  3. If you want to custom you logs, please follow the rules: [FileName.extension:LineNumber], Just like [main.swift:15].

  4. 如果你使用的是Swift,请拷贝Logger.swift到你的项目中去。

  5. 如果你使用的是Objective-C,请拷贝 ./StarConsoleLink/Need/Logger.h 和 ./StarConsoleLink/Need/Logger.m 到你的项目中去,并在你的.pch文件中 #import "Logger.h"。

  6. 如果你想要自定义你的日志,请遵照[FileName.extension:LineNumber]的书写规范,例:[main.swift:15]。

Install 【安装】

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iStarEternal/StarConsoleLink/master/Scripts/install.sh | sh

Uninstall 【卸载】

curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/iStarEternal/StarConsoleLink/master/Scripts/uninstall.sh | sh

The New Feature 【新功能】





您现在可以在菜单栏 Plugins -> Star Console Link -> Chinese Unicode Enabled 选择是否关闭中文转换了。

LogWarning(@"%@", @{@"name": @"星星", @"age": @"18岁"});
<2016-07-14 14:07:03> [Warning][OCLogger.m:45] {
    age = "18\U5c81";
    name = "\U661f\U661f";
<2016-07-14 14:07:41> [Warning][OCLogger.m:45] {
    age = "18岁";
    name = "星星";



您现在可以在菜单栏 Plugins -> Star Console Link -> Enabled 选择是否关闭StarConsoleLink

您现在可以在菜单栏 Plugins -> Star Console Link -> Setting 进行Link的颜色配置








// 黑色  [Info][ViewController.m:35]你好
// 绿色  [Success][ViewController.m:35]Hello
// 黄色  [Warning][ViewController.m:35]Bonjour
// 红色 [Error][ViewController.m:35]¡Hola

Example 【案例】

  • Objective-C
#define StarDebug DEBUG
#define StarXCodeColors 1

#define XCODE_COLORS_ESCAPE @"\033["

#define XCODE_COLORS_RESET_FG  XCODE_COLORS_ESCAPE @"fg;" // Clear any foreground color
#define XCODE_COLORS_RESET_BG  XCODE_COLORS_ESCAPE @"bg;" // Clear any background color
#define XCODE_COLORS_RESET     XCODE_COLORS_ESCAPE @";"   // Clear any foreground or background color

#define NSLogColor @"22,22,22"          // 黑色
#define NSLogTitle @"Info"

#define InfoColor @"22,22,22"          // 黑色
#define InfoTitle @"Info"

#if StarDebug /* Debug Begin */

#if StarXCodeColors != 0 /* Color Begin */

#define PrivateLog(color, title, format, ...)\
printf("%s%s;[%s][%s:%d] %s %s\n",\
[color UTF8String],\
[title UTF8String],\
[[[NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FILE__] lastPathComponent] UTF8String],\
[[NSString stringWithFormat:format,##__VA_ARGS__] UTF8String],\

// NSLog
#define NSLog(format, ...) \
PrivateLog(NSLogColor, NSLogTitle, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)

// Information
#define LogInfo(format, ...) \
PrivateLog(InfoColor, InfoTitle, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)

#else /* Color Else */

#define PrivateLog(color, title, format, ...)\
printf("[%s][%s:%d] %s\n",\
[title UTF8String],\
[[[NSString stringWithUTF8String:__FILE__] lastPathComponent] UTF8String],\
[[NSString stringWithFormat:format,##__VA_ARGS__] UTF8String]\

// NSLog
#define NSLog(format, ...) \
PrivateLog(0, NSLogTitle, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)

// Information
#define LogInfo(format, ...) \
PrivateLog(0, InfoTitle, format, ##__VA_ARGS__)

#endif /* Color End */

#else /* Debug Else */

#define PrivateLog(color, title, format, ...) while(0){}
#define NSLog(...) while(0){}
#define LogInfo(...) while(0){}

#endif /* Debug End */

And then you can log within a Objective-C method like so:

  • Swift
let StarDebug = true

struct LogColor {

    static let XcodeColors = true

    static let ESCAPE = "\u{001b}["
    static let ESCAPE_FG = "\u{001b}[fg"
    static let ESCAPE_BG = "\u{001b}[bg"

    static let RESET = ESCAPE + ";"      // Clear any foreground or background color
    static let RESET_FG = ESCAPE + "fg;" // Clear any foreground color
    static let RESET_BG = ESCAPE + "bg;" // Clear any background color

let InfoColor = "22,22,22"          // 黑色
let InfoTitle = "Info"

let DebugColor = "28,0,207"         // 蓝色
let DebugTitle = "Debug"

let WarningColor = "218,130,53"     // 黄色
let WarningTitle = "Warning"

let ErrorColor = "196,26,22"        // 红色
let ErrorTitle = "Error"

let ImportantColor = "196,26,22"    // 红色
let ImportantTitle = "Important - 如果发现该行日志,应该及时处理"

class Logger: NSObject {

    class func print<T>(value: T, title: String, color: String, functionName: String, fileName: String, lineNumber: Int) {
        guard StarDebug else {
        if LogColor.XcodeColors {
            Swift.print("\(LogColor.ESCAPE_FG)\(color);[\(title)][\((fileName as NSString).lastPathComponent):\(lineNumber)] \(value)\(LogColor.RESET_FG)")
        else {
            Swift.print("[\(title)][\((fileName as NSString).lastPathComponent):\(lineNumber)] \(value)")
    class func info<T>(value: T, functionName: String = #function, fileName: String = #file, lineNumber: Int = #line) {
        print(value, title: InfoTitle, color: InfoColor, functionName: functionName, fileName: fileName, lineNumber: lineNumber)
    class func debug<T>(value: T, functionName: String = #function, fileName: String = #file, lineNumber: Int = #line) {
        print(value, title: DebugTitle, color: DebugColor, functionName: functionName, fileName: fileName, lineNumber: lineNumber)
    class func warning<T>(value: T, functionName: String = #function, fileName: String = #file, lineNumber: Int = #line) {
        print(value, title: WarningTitle, color: WarningColor, functionName: functionName, fileName: fileName, lineNumber: lineNumber)
    class func error<T>(value: T, functionName: String = #function, fileName: String = #file, lineNumber: Int = #line) {
        print(value, title: ErrorTitle, color: ErrorColor, functionName: functionName, fileName: fileName, lineNumber: lineNumber)
    class func important<T>(value: T, functionName: String = #function, fileName: String = #file, lineNumber: Int = #line) {
        print(value, title: ImportantTitle, color: ImportantColor, functionName: functionName, fileName: fileName, lineNumber: lineNumber)

And then you can log within a Swift method like so:
