
Aspose.CAD for Java examples, plugins and showcases

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CAD File Conversion API for Java

Aspose.CAD for Java allows developers to convert AutoCAD DWG and DXF files to PDF and Raster images. It is a native API and does not require AutoCAD or any other software to be installed. You can also convert the selected layers and layouts from the AutoCAD files. The conversion to PDF and Raster images is of very high quality.

Directory Description
Examples A collection of Java examples that help you learn the product features.

CAD File Processing

Read CAD Formats

MicroStation: DGN
The Advanced Visualizer: OBJ
Other: STL, IGES, CFF2

Save CAD As

Fixed Layout: PDF
Raster Images: PNG, BMP, TIFF, JPEG, GIF

Read & Write

(Write features is partially supported.)

Supported Environments

  • Microsoft Windows: Windows Desktop & Server (x86, x64)
  • macOS: Mac OS X
  • Linux: Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, CentOS, and others
  • Java Versions: J2SE 7.0 (1.7), J2SE 8.0 (1.8)

Get Started with Aspose.CAD for Java

Aspose hosts all Java APIs at the Aspose Repository. You can easily use Aspose.BarCode for Java API directly in your Maven projects with simple configurations. For the detailed instructions please visit Installing Aspose.CAD for Java from Maven Repository documentation page.

Convert DXF Drawing to PNG Format

Image image = Image.load("template.dxf"); 

// create an instance of CadRasterizationOptions
CadRasterizationOptions rasterizationOptions = new CadRasterizationOptions();

// set page width & height

// create an instance of PngOptions for the resultant image
ImageOptionsBase options = new PngOptions();

// set rasterization options

// save resultant image
image.save("output.png", options);

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