
The native library compression sdk is given to solve the apk size problem. It is easy to integrate and will get max 50% size decreasing. Not only sdk, a Java tool for package is provided to convert normal apk to compressed apk.

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There are lots of NDK apps on Google software market. To reduce package size, some ISV will only release Separate APK. A native library compression sdk is given to solve the apk size problem. It is easy to integrate and will get max 50% size decreasing. Beside sdk, a Java tool for package is provided to convert normal apk to compressed apk.



1.Include DecRawso into your project (if you use ant, please copy DecRawso_Jar to your project , and add the Decrawso.jar, do not use the jar in the sdk bin folder)

2.Call DecRawso.NewInstance before any native library loading!!!

3.Replace all system.loadlibrary(***) to system.load(DecRawso . GetInstance ().GetPath(***))

       now, it is recommend to change to system.load, but system.loadlibrary also work.

--- build your apk as usual, and run your apk as usual when in your development, the apk is not compressed.


HOW TO COMPRESS THE APK: -- Use compress tool : ApkLibCompress/bin/ ComPressApk.jar

1.You can use it as:  ComPressApk.jar -a C:/my/test.apk -k c:/key storepass keypass alias [your keyname] -x86 http://www.test.com

2.if “-k” is missing, eclipse default test key will be used to sign this apk. 

3.[you keyname] is optional, if not have it. the defalt CERT will be used

4.If -x86 with link is used, then x86 library will be stored on http://www.test.com/cloudrawso_x86,   you must store the lib on the network bu manuanlly.

5.you can put arm lib on x86 folder to avoid library miss on x86 devices, use -nox86check to forbidden the check (x86 directly cal arm lib is unsafed)

6.you can copy all of "DecRawso_Jar" into your project if you use "ant" to package your project

7.new flag

  -o outputfilename     define the finaly output file name

    -slience             no popup window, that is suitable for ant package

    -nosign             do not sign the apk, that is suitable for ant package , due to the ant will sign apk

-nox86check      do not check x86 library missing and mix use of arm issue (x86 directly call arm library is forbidden default)

-noarm            do not compress arm lib. just put x86 lib on the cloud (with –x86)

8.how to know the result (when you use ant)

    now will create 3 files in the ApkLibCompress.jar folder

    :Done.flag      you can check whether the file is exist , if exist , then compression is ok

    :error.log        if generation fail, the log will has the reason

    :porting.log      it will show the x86/arm mix using or x86 lib missing issue
