I do not have the time or motivation anymore to continue this project, i do basically no JVM code anymore.
But i will not delete the Project, so if you want to take on SkIDE, open a issue here or DM me on discord.
Sk-IDE is an integrated development environment (IDE) for the Skript language. Skript is a plugin for Minecraft multiplayer servers that allows easy scripting of server modifications. This IDE provides a way to easily write Skripts, by providing auto-completion, syntax-highlighting and many more things.
Sk-IDE is written in Kotlin for the most part. Although you can still contribute with Java code, it is preferred to use Kotlin.
- Java Development Kit version 11
> gradlew shadowJar
$ ./gradlew shadowJar
This will output the jar file to build/libs
- Kotlin Language - Programming language
- JavaFX - GUI framework
- ControlsFX - JavaFX addon for advanced components
- Monaco - Code Editor based on web technologies
- TerminalFX - JavaFX TerminalView
- Skript Hub - Auto-Completion Provider
- skUnity - Integration with forums.skunity.com
- SkriptTools - Information to Skript binary meta data
- Gradle - Build system
- Google Analytics - Used for weak information collecting
- JSON - JSON implementation for Java
- Jsch - SSH implementation for Java
- Apache Commons Net - FTP implementation for Java
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2.0. You can find more information about it in the LICENSE file.