
Lost ark surge deathblade tool

Primary LanguageC++


This is a small tool i made as a Surge deathblade main in lost ark.
It gives audio feedback at 18,19,20 stacks.

It screenshots the Desktop, pattern checks the surge icon and if found runs Tesseract ORC over it


I wont provide binaries for security reasons and because its too much work.


You will need vcpkg, cmake and msvc.

  • install Tesseract vcpkg install tesseract --triplet x64-windows
  • create a build folder
  • open a console in that folder
  • run cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake .. or replace the vcpkg path if you changed it
  • run cmake --build . --config Release

This will build the exe and create it in Release. It spawns a tray icon so you dont have to start it from a terminal, but keep in mind it uses the assets folder relative so start it from the build folder.


you can do what you want with this but im not responsible for anything.