
This is a site where i get to showcase my photos

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

My Gallery

This is a beautiful image application that has a variety of images from different categories, 11/05/2019

By Elizabeth Wanjiku Kimita


My Gallery is a website that gets to showcase beautiful images from different categories. Users are not only able to view all the images but also search for images based on a specific category. The admin gets to upload the different images and users can share and copy the image links as they please.Images can also be filtered based on their locations.

BDD Specifications

Users Requirements Input Output
To view all images Navigate to the home page All the images will be displayed
View image details Click on the image Image details will be displayed
Search for images in the same category Input the image category in the search bar Images in that category will be displayed
Filter images based on location Navigate to the filter button and select a location Displays images for that location
Copy image Link Click on copy link on the image footer Copies the image link path

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Ensure you have Installed Python3.6
  • Clone the My Gallery Repository
  • Create and Activate your virtual environment - python3.6 -m venv --without-pip virtual && source virtual/bin/activate
  • Install dependencies - pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create a Database - psql then CREATE DATABASE my_gallery
  • Run Migrations - python3.6 manage.py makemigrations my_gallery then python3.6 manage.py migrate
  • Run the App - python3.6 manage.py runserver
  • Application should open on localhost:8000

Known Bugs

There are currently no known bugs

Technologies Used

  • Python 3.6
  • Bootstrap
  • Heroku
  • HTML
  • Django

Support and contact details

For more information, questions, or help using the program, get in touch with me on +254 726 047102 or email: kimita.wanjiku@gmail.com.


MIT Copyright (c) {2019} Elizabeth Wanjiku Kimita