
This is a site where students can take a test, submit their answers and get their scores right away.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Quiz Board

Using this application, a student will be able to take a test by answering some multi-choice questions and get their percentage results when they submit a completely filled out form, 22nd, February 2019.

By Elizabeth Wanjiku Kimita


This is a website that can be used by students to test their knowledge of javascript and jQuery. After students have finished their course, they can come to this site and take the test by answering the multi-choice questions. As soon as they have completely filled out the test, they can submit their answers and they will receive their test results in percentage.Students are required to fill out all the answers for them to get their results.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • The user requires an Internet connection to log into the website.
  • After logging in the user will see a list of questions
  • The user should proceed to answer the questions by choosing an answer from the listed choices.
  • When all the questions have been answered, and the user is satisfied with the answers given, he/she should click on the "click here to reveal your marks button".
  • The users results will then be revealed.

Program Specifications

User Input Value/ Marks Percentage Marks
Incorrect Answer 0 0%
Correct Answer 5 20%

Known Bugs

There are no known bugs in the Quiz Board.

Technologies Used

This program has been built using HTML to write the content, CSS for styling purposes, javasript to create the business logic and the user- interface, ensuring that the program works and depending on the user's input, the output given is accurate and Markdown for the README page.

Support and contact details

For more information, questions,or help using the program, get in touch with me on +254 726 047102 or email: kimita.wanjiku@gmail.com.


MIT Copyright (c) 2019 Elizabeth Wanjiku Kimita