AWS HPC for the Community Multiscale Air Quality Modeling System


Repo structure

├── contentspec.yaml                  <-- Specifies the version of the content
├── README.md                         <-- This instructions file
├── static                            <-- Directory for static assets to be hosted alongside the workshop (ie. images, scripts, documents, etc) 
└── content                           <-- Directory for workshop content markdown
    └── index.en.md                   <-- At the root of each directory, there must be at least one markdown file
    └── introduction                  <-- Directory for workshop content markdown
        └── index.en.md               <-- Markdown file that would be render 

What's Included

This project contains the following folders:

  • static: This folder contains static assets to be hosted alongside the workshop (ie. images, scripts, documents, etc)
  • content: This is the core workshop folder. This is generated as HTML and hosted for presentation for customers.

How to create content

Under the content folder, Each folder requires at least one index.<lang>.md file. The file will have a header

title = "AWS Workshop Template"
weight = 0

The title will be the title on navigation panel on the left. The weight determines the order the page appears in the navigation panel.