Endpoints GRPC multiple backends

Using bookstore from endpoints samples, and helloworld service from GRPC examples.

Combining multiple GRPC services into a single service config

Replace YOUR_SERVICE_NAME to real one in api_config.yaml.

$ protoc --include_imports --include_source_info bookstore.proto helloworld.proto --descriptor_set_out=out.pb

$ gcloud beta service-management deploy out.pb api_config.yaml

Get service-name and config-id from the command output.

Deploy GRPC backends

$ kubectl create -f bookstore-svc.yaml
$ kubectl create -f helloworld-svc.yaml

Create custom nginx.conf and deploy to configMap

Note there should be location and grpc_pass for each backends. The path for each location is "proto-package" . "proto-service" (Service-Name in GRPC Wire protocol)

location /helloworld.Greeter {
  grpc_pass helloworld:80 override;
location /endpoints.examples.bookstore.Bookstore {
  grpc_pass bookstore:80 override;

Deploy it to Kubernetes

$ kubectl create configmap nginxconf --from-file=nginx.conf

Create ESP service

Replace YOUR_SERVICE_NAME and YOUR_SERVICE_CONFIG_ID to real one in esp-svc.yaml.

$ kubectl create -f esp-svc.yaml