
Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Cloudeebus - DBus for the Cloud - is a component which enables calling DBus methods and registering on DBus signals from Javascript.


Installing Cloudeebus from the project root directory:

Cloudeebus will install itself in Python's dist-packages folder. The cloudeebus.py wrapper shell goes in the executables path.

sudo python setup.py install

See the Getting Started section of the Cloudeebus wiki for a list of dependencies to install.

Running Cloudeebus:

The Cloudeebus server must be run either with credentials and a whitelist to restrict access to DBus services, or in opendoor mode.

usage: cloudeebus.py [-h] [-v] [-d] [-o] [-p PORT] [-c CREDENTIALS]
	             [-w WHITELIST] [-s SERVICELIST] [-n NETMASK]

Javascript DBus bridge.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         print version and exit
  -d, --debug           log debug info on standard output
  -o, --opendoor        allow anonymous access to all services
  -p PORT, --port PORT  port number
	                path to credentials file
  -w WHITELIST, --whitelist WHITELIST
	                path to whitelist file (DBus services to use)
	                path to servicelist file (DBus services to export)
  -n NETMASK, --netmask NETMASK
	                netmask,IP filter (comma separated.) eg. : -n




The /doc/dbus-tools folder contains dbus-send and dbus-register test pages. Cloudeebus runs in opendoor mode, the dbus-tools pages have no manifest.

cloudeebus.py --debug --opendoor --port=9001 &
firefox ./doc/dbus-tools/dbus-register.html ./doc/dbus-tools/dbus-send.html &


The /doc/sample folder contains a working sample using credentials, whitelist and manifest. Cloudeebus runs with credentials and a whitelist that are matched by the sample page manifest.

cloudeebus.py --debug --credentials=./doc/sample/CREDENTIALS --whitelist=./doc/sample/WHITELIST &
firefox ./doc/sample/cloudeebus.html &

The sample page is also online as a live demo.


The /doc/agent folder contains a working client sample using credentials, whitelist and manifest and a working service sample using credentials, servicelist and manifest. One instance of cloudeebus runs with credentials and a whitelist that are matched by the client page manifest.

cloudeebus.py --debug --credentials=./doc/agent/CREDENTIALS --whitelist=./doc/agent/SAMPLELIST -p 9002 &
firefox ./doc/agent/client.html &

The other instance of cloudeebus runs with credentials and a servicelist that are matched by the server page manifest.

cloudeebus.py --debug --credentials=./doc/agent/CREDENTIALS --servicelist=./doc/agent/SAMPLELIST -p 9003 &
firefox ./doc/agent/server.html &


Cloudeebus uses code from the following open-source projects: