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Ultimate version of that shi*
Linux Support/Windows Support
MSD is a script made in python/bash/powershell to download, install, run and close minecraft servers Specially designed to be run on linux server/Windows Server (Beta)
- Purpur
- Paper
- Spigot
- Waterfall
- Velocity
- Download Server
- Start server
- Open console
- Close Server
- Brute Close server
- Change Ram Server
- Deleted Server
- Download plugins
- Import server
- Connect API
- PageWeb with all links - Rebranding
git clone https://github.com/M20191/MSD-Z-Ultimate && cd MSD-Z-Ultimate
python3 .\mainESLinux.py
- Sponge (SOON.... XX/10/22)
- Pufferfish (IDK)
- Other versions of minecraft/jars/forks
- New Ideas...
- File documentation
- Document Better