Konami Code Lab

Learning Goals

  • Practice using event listeners

Practice Using Event Listeners in JS

In konami_code.js, you'll notice that there's very little code in the file. If you examine what's there, you should see:

const code = [

function init() {
  // your code here

This array contains the famous Konami Code as keyboard event values. The Konami Code is a well-known button combination in the video game community that unlocks special features. The up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right-B-A key combination has become a common Easter Egg for web sites to have hidden features behind this code, and now you get to implement it!

In index.html, you'll see that the JavaScript file is already being loaded in for you:

<script src="konami_code.js"></script>

You will need to:

  • Attach an event listener to document.body and check for 'keydown' events.
  • If the user enters this special code, pressing all ten of the keys in the correct order, alert() a congratulatory message.
  • If they press a key out of sequence or a key that isn't part of the Konami code, don't alert() anything and simply keep listening for all ten keydowns in the correct order.

Remember to call init() when you're testing code in the browser to attach the event listener and set everything up!

Here's a short example to help you get started:

// Keep track of index outside of the event handler.
let index = 0;

// This is the function that would be invoked by the event listener.
function onKeyDownHandler(e) {
  const key = e.key;

  if (key === code[index]) {
    if (index === code.length) {
      index = 0; // Reset the sequence
  } else {
    index = 0; // Reset the sequence

Have fun!


Be aware that we're only looking at the e.key value. In modern browsers, the e.key method will return the value of the key pressed by the user. You can read the latest methods for getting keyboard codes at keydown reference on MDN.

This would be a good chance to use console.log() to check out the value of e.key.

JavaScript key codes in case you want to put together your own custom key sequence!


This exercise is fairly typical of the kinds of challenges front-end programmers get asked during interviews (although they may have to write it on a whiteboard). It has all the essential bits of front-end developer skill: elements, events, listening, keeping track of state, clearing it out, etc. It's a real challenge!
