A user-friendly Bayesian inference library. Fulfilling all your Bayesian dreams.
Online material to help you get started:
If you need help, find an issue, or just have a question/suggestion you can
- Join our Slack workspace (you may need to email the support desk to request an invite)
- Email our support desk: contact+lscsoft-bilby-1846-issue-@support.ligo.org
- Ask questions (or search through other users questions and answers) on StackOverflow using the bilby tag
- For www.git.ligo.org users, submit issues directly through the issue tracker
- For www.chat.ligo.org users, join the #bilby-help or #bilby-devel channels
We encourage you to contribute to the development of bilby. This is done via a merge request. For help in creating a merge request, see this page or contact us directly. For advice on contributing, see the contributing guide.
If you use bilby
in a scientific publication, please cite
Additionally, bilby
builds on a number of open-source packages. If you
make use of this functionality in your publications, we recommend you cite them
as requested in their associated documentation.
Gravitational-wave tools
- corner for generating corner plot
- matplotlib for general plotting routines