
Class project. RayTracing and PhotonMapping implemented with C++ (and Qt5).

Primary LanguageC++


  • Author: zy-li14@hotmail.com
  • This is a photo render program using photon-mapping.
  • I learn the algorithm from realistic image synthesis using photon mapping.
  • I use Qt's QImage to read and write pictures, so Qt runtime enviroment is essential.


photonMapping.exe scene.txt ret.jpg

The format of input scene file is as simple as the following. More examples is in the root directory of this project (*.txt files)

I am block comment
# I am line comment

#I am the valid range of the scene
leftBottom: -5.001 -5.001 -5.001
rightTop: 5.001 5.001 5.001
#How many threads can I use
maxThreadNum: 30
start camera
    size: 1 1
    dx: 0 -1 0
    dy: -0.3 0 1
    center: 3 0.3 2.5
    normal: -1 0 -0.3
    focus: 1
    dpi: 200
    radius: 0.00001
    environment: 0.01 0.01 0.01
    K: 100
    brightnessValue: 10000 # |global photons| = |light| * brightnessValue
    raysPerPixel: 1 #How many rays will I use to render one pixel.
    causticScale: 1 # |caustic photons| = |global photons| * causticScale
start light
	type: point
	center: 3.5 1 6
	color: 1 1 1
start light
    type: rectangle
    center: 1.4 1.5 5
    size: 0.2 0.2
    normal: 0 0 -1
    color: 1 1 1
    dx: 1 0 0
    dy: 0 1 0
    quality: 50
# material
# Declare me before objects
start material #stone
	color: 1 1 1
	absorb: 0 0 0
	texture: ./floor.bmp
    diffusion: 1
	reflection: 0
	refraction: 0
	refractivity: 1.0

start material #clear without red
	color: 1 1 1
	absorb: 1 0 0
	diffusion: 0
	reflection: 0
	refraction: 1
	refractivity: 2.54

start material #clear without green
	color: 1 1 1
	absorb: 0 1 0
	diffusion: 0
	reflection: 0
	refraction: 1
	refractivity: 2.54

start material #clear without blue
	color: 1 1 1
	absorb: 0 0 1
	diffusion: 0
	reflection: 0
	refraction: 1
	refractivity: 2.54

start material #gold rank4
	color: 0.9804 0.84375 0.375
	absorb: 0.1196 0.15625 0.625
	diffusion: 1
	reflection: 0
	refraction: 0
	refractivity: 1.4

start material #glass
	color: 0.9804 0.84375 0.375
	absorb: 0.453 0.617 0.78
	diffusion: 0.0
	reflection: 0.0
	refraction: 1
	refractivity: 1.4
# object
start object
	type: plane
	center: -8 -2 0
	normal : 0 0 1
	material: 0
	dx: 0 12 0
	dy: 10 0 0
start model
	model: ./models/fixed.perfect.dragon.100K.0.07.obj
	center: 1.0 1.5 1.0
	size: 1
	rotate: 90 0 90
	material: 4

start model
    model: ./models/horse.fine.90k.obj
    center: 1 1.5 1.0
    size: 1
    rotate: 0 0 180
    material: 5
start model
	model: ./models/Cup.obj
	center: 1.0 1.5 1.0
	size: 0.02
	rotate: 0 0 60
	material: 5

start model
	model: ./models/Buddha.obj
	center: 1.0 1.5 1
	size: 1
	rotate: 90 0 90
	material: 4
start model
	model: ./models/block.obj
	center: 0.5 0.5 0.5
	size: 0.03
	rotate: 90 0 90
	material: 4
start model
	model: ./models/cube.obj
	center: 0.5 0.5 0.5
	size: 0.8
	rotate: 90 0 90
	material: 4