CyanogenMod for Huawei C8813Q

Compilation Notes

  • Build from Sources

1)Create a directory

mkdir ~/android
mkdir ~/android/system

2)Change to the created directory

cd ~/android/system

3)Init the CyanogenMod repository

repo init -u git:// -b cm-10.1

4)Paste this lines inside new file .repo/local_manifests/local_manifests.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!-- remote  name="github" fetch="git://" /-->
  <project remote="github" revision="cm-10.1" name="dianlujitao/android_device_huawei_c8813q" path="device/huawei/c8813q"/>
  <project remote="github" revision="3.4.0" name="dianlujitao/android_kernel_huawei_c8813q" path="kernel/huawei/c8813q"/>
  <project remote="github" revision="cm-10.1" name="dianlujitao/android_vendor_huawei_c8813q" path="vendor/huawei/c8813q"/>

5)Now type this command:

repo sync -j16


cd vendor/cm
cd ../..

!)If this is the first time you build the source,run the next command to apply patches:

export PATCHES_HUAWEI_C8813Q=1

7)Finally you're ready to build it:

source build/
brunch cm_c8813q-userdebug

感谢mandfx 秋叶随风ivan ChepKun Chin-Z

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