
SUSTech Course CS303, Artificial intelligence projects, fall 2017

Primary LanguagePython

Artificial intelligence

CS303 of SUSTech


Lab 1-3: Python2 Lab 4: Python3

Lab1 - go

示例文件共有7个(train_0.txt, train_00.txt, train_1.txt ~ train_5.txt),其中每个示例文件存放一个围棋残局,存放格式为“行数 列数 颜色”,-1表示⿊色,1表示白色,


  1. train_0.txt和train_00.txt 检测程序对基本围棋规则的判定。
  2. train_1.txt ~ train_4.txt的要求是列出落一子使得可以提对方子的位置,并绘出该位置,以及提子后的结果。
  3. train_5.txt的要求是给出下一步所有可以落子的位置。


  • np.zeros((BOARD_SIZE, BOARD_SIZE))创建数组,参数为维度
  • shape函数是numpy.core.fromnumeric中的函数,它的功能是读取矩阵的长度,比如shape[0]就是读取矩阵第一维度的长度。
  • np.argwhere 条件查找,返回数组元素
  • np.where 条件查找,返回下标

numpy additional materials:

  1. numpy official doc
  2. TutorialsPoint NumPy 教程

Lab2 - Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (CARP)

Data Format

1st line: NAME : <string> i.e., the name of the instance;

2nd line: VERTICES : <number> i.e., the number of vertices;

3rd line: DEPOT : <number> i.e., the depot vertex;

4th line: REQUIRED EDGES : <number> i.e., the number of required edges (tasks);

5th line: NON-REQUIRED EDGES : <number> i.e., the number of non-required edges;

6th line: VEHICLES : <number> i.e., the number of vehicles;

7th line: CAPACITY : <number> i.e., the vehicle capacity;

8th line: TOTAL COST OF REQUIRED EDGES : <number> i.e., the total cost of all tasks;


Implement Path

  1. Using Regular expression to read data and store them in format

  2. Path scanning[1] generates initial solution.


    The better() function is using the following rules:


  3. Mutation[2] reproduct new generation.


[1] A. C. C. Corberán and G. Laporte, Arc routing: problems, methods, and applications. Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2014.

[2] K. Tang, Y. Mei, and X. Yao, “Memetic algorithm with extended neighborhood search for capacitated arc routing problems,” IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 1151–1166, 2009.

  1. Benchmarks of Vector Packing Problem

Lab3 - Influence Maximization Problem

Influence Maximization Problem is the problem of finding a small subset of nodes(seed nodes) in a social network,that could maximize the spread of influence. The IMP is NP-hard and the influence spread computation is #P -hard under the definitions shown in the introduction. I improve Degree Discount IC Algorithm [1], which can pick up the parent of high impact node. Besides, I also implement influence spread estimator with independent cascade (IC) and linear threshold (LT) models.


[1] W. Chen, Y. Wang, and S. Yang, “Efficient influence maximization in social networks,” Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining - KDD 09, 2009.

Lab4 - Handwritten digit recognition

implementing back propagation neural network

Layer Size

  • Inputer layer 784 nodes
  • Hidden layer1 300 nodes
  • Hidden layer2 100 nodes
  • Output layer 10 nodes

Data set