Kitt Take Home Test

We are looking to add a pricing function to our meeting room bookings feature, as we’ve noticed that this is being requested more and more by companies.

The Task

Create a function that takes a booking length in minutes and returns a price.

Please take into account readability, performance, tests and safety when implementing your solution.


The intended functionality of the service is to calculate the price of a meeting room based upon the given meeting duration and following [min|hour|day|week] tariff:

  • Price per minute: £2
  • Price per hour: £22
  • Price per day: £60
  • Price per week: £105

Pseudocode interface:

GetPrice(duration_minutes as Integer) returns price as Integer

  • The pricing function should use the cheapest rate for given duration.
  • For example if the duration is 3 hours it should use the daily price of £60 as this is cheaper than using the price per hour (£66).

Example test Cases below:

  • 1440 minutes = £60
  • 2880 minutes = £105
  • 20160 minutes = £210

Installation instructions

  1. Clone repository with git clone
  2. Run npm install to install dependencies
  3. Enter npm test to run tests
  4. To run the code itself, enter npm run start