
Knowledge Distillation For Transformer Language Models

Primary LanguagePython

Knowledge Distillation For Transformer Language Models

Distill the knowledge of Google's BERT transformer language model into a smaller transformer. A blog post on the topic can be found here.

Using this repository for knowledge distillation is a 5-stage processes outlined as such:

  1. Download Pretrained Model
  2. Extract Wikipedia
  3. Prepare Text For TensorFlow
  4. Extract Teacher Neural Network Outputs
  5. Distill Knowledge

Download Pretrained Model

In order to distill knowledge from a large pretrained transformer model, we need to first download that model! Links to these models are available in Google's original [BERT release repository readme](https://github.com/google-research/bert/blob/master/README.md) . For the purpose of this readme, we will assume you have downloaded BERT-Base Uncased (12-layer, 768-hidden, 12-heads, 110M parameters )within this repository.

II. Extract Wikipedia

To extract the Wikipedia Corpus, follow the instructions outlined in [this](https://github.com/Edy-Barraza/Transformer_Distillation/tree/master/extract_wikipedia_for_bert) part of the repository.

III. Prepare Text For TensorFlow

After extracting Wikipedia, you should have a txt file of ~12GB in size. To prepare this text for TensorFlow, we must turn it into a tfrecord file. tfrecord files allow us to work with a dataset when we can't load all of it onto RAM. As an intermediary step, we must first slit this file into smaller ones in order not to run into RAM or disk space problems later down the line. Thus we must run split_text.py
python split_text.py --read_file wikipedia.txt --split_number 20 --folder data/split_dir --name_base wiki_split

split_text.py has the following arguments:

    read_file (str) : the txt file that will be split
    split_number (int) : the number of smaller txt files that will be created
    folder (str) : the path where the split txt files will be placed
    name_base (str) : the base name of the split txt files. files will be named as such: base_name_N where N is a number

After splitting Wikipedia into smaller txt files, we can turn all of them into tfrecord files by running multifile_create_pretraining_data.py

python multifile_create_pretraining_data.py \
    --input_dir data/split_dir/ \
    --output_dir data/record_intermed \
    --output_base_name wiki_intermed \
    --vocab_file uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/vocab.txt

multifile_create_pretraining_data.py has the following arguments:

    input_dir (str) : Input directory of raw text files
    output_dir (str) : Output directory for created tfrecord files
    output_base_name (str) : Output base name for TF example files
    vocab_file (str) : The vocabulary file that the BERT model was trained on
    do_lower_case (bool) : Whether to lower case the input text. Should be True for uncased models and False for cased models
    max_seq_length (int) : Maximum sequence length
    max_predictions_per_seq (int) : Maximum number of masked LM predictions per sequence
    random_seed (int) : Random seed for data generation
    dupe_factor (int) : Number of times to duplicate the input data (with different masks)
    masked_lm_prob (float) : Masked LM probability
    short_seq_prob (float) : Probability of creating sequences which are shorter than the maximum length

IV. Extract Teacher Neural Network Outputs

One possibility for performing knowledge distillation is to pass an input to the student and teacher networks at the same time and using the outputs of the teacher for the student to learn from. However, considering that this will put a strain on our RAM and that we will be making multiple runs through each of over our data, it is more resource efficient to run through all of our data once and save the output of our teacher network with the inputs that were fed to it. This is accomplished by running extract_teacher_labels_truncated.py
python extract_teacher_labels_truncated.py \
    --bert_config_file uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_config.json \
    --data/record_intermed/wiki_intermed_0.tfrecord \
    --output_file data/record_distill/wiki_distill_0.tfrecord \
    --truncation_factor 10 \
    --init_checkpoint uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_model.ckpt 

extract_teacher_labels_truncated.py has the following arguments:

    bert_config_file (str) : The config json file corresponding to the pre-trained BERT model. This specifies the model architecture
    input_file (str) : Input TF example files (can be a glob or comma separated)
    output_file (str) : The output file that has transformer inputs and teacher outputs
    truncation_factor (int) : Number of top probable words to save from teacher network output
    init_checkpoint (str) : Initial checkpoint (usually from a pre-trained BERT model)
    max_seq_length (int) : The maximum total input sequence length after WordPiece tokenization. Sequences longer than this will be truncated, and sequences shorter than this will be padded. Must match data generation
    max_predictions_per_seq (int) : Maximum number of masked LM predictions per sequence. Must match data generation
    batch_size (int) : Total batch size when processing sequences

V. Distill Knowledge

Now that we have our teacher outputs we can start training a student network! To run on a single machine run network_distillation_single_machine_truncated.py
python network_distillation_single_machine_truncated.py \
    --bert_config_file uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_config.json \
    --input_file data/record_distill/wiki_distill_0.tfrecord \
    --output_dir output_dir \
    --truncation_factor 10 \
    --do_train True \
    --do_eval true

network_distillation_single_machine_truncated.py has the following arguments:

    bert_config_file (str) : The config json file corresponding to the pre-trained BERT model. This specifies the model architecture
    input_file (str) : Input TF example files (can be a glob or comma separated)
    output_dir (str) : The output directory where the model checkpoints will be written
    init_checkpoint (str) : Initial checkpoint (usually from a pre-trained BERT model)
    truncation_factor (int) : Number of top probable words to save from teacher network output
    do_train (bool) : Whether to run training
    do_eval (bool) : Whether to run eval on the dev set
    max_seq_length (int) : The maximum total input sequence length after WordPiece tokenization. Sequences longer than this will be truncated, and sequences shorter than this will be padded. Must match data generation
    max_predictions_per_seq (int) : Maximum number of masked LM predictions per sequence. Must match data generation
    train_batch_size (int) : Total batch size for training
    eval_batch_size (int) Total batch size for eval
    learning_rate (float) : The initial learning rate for Adam
    num_train_steps (int) : Number of training steps
    num_warmup_steps (int) Number of warmup steps
    save_checkpoints_steps (int) : How often to save the model checkpoint
    iterations_per_loop (int) : How many steps to make in each estimator call
    max_eval_steps (int) : Maximum number of eval steps

Now suppose you have a lil cluster of 8 GPU's! If you have Horovod installed, you can perform some distributed training!!! (If you don't have horovod installed you can install it here). We shall run network_distillation_distributed_truncated.py to perform distributed training as such:

mpirun -np 8 \
    -H localhost:8 \
    -bind-to none -map-by slot \
    -mca pml ob1 -mca btl ^openib \
    python network_distillation_distributed_truncated.py \
    --bert_config_file uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_config.json \
    --input_file data/record_distill/wiki_distill_0.tfrecord \
    --output_dir output_dir \
    --truncation_factor 10 \
    --do_train True \
    --do_eval true

network_distillation_distributed_truncated.py has the following arguments:

    bert_config_file (str) : The config json file corresponding to the pre-trained BERT model. This specifies the model architecture
    input_file (str) : Input TF example files (can be a glob or comma separated)
    output_dir (str) : The output directory where the model checkpoints will be written
    init_checkpoint (str) : Initial checkpoint (usually from a pre-trained BERT model)
    truncation_factor (int) : Number of top probable words to save from teacher network output
    do_train (bool) : Whether to run training
    do_eval (bool) : Whether to run eval on the dev set
    max_seq_length (int) : The maximum total input sequence length after WordPiece tokenization. Sequences longer than this will be truncated, and sequences shorter than this will be padded. Must match data generation
    max_predictions_per_seq (int) : Maximum number of masked LM predictions per sequence. Must match data generation
    train_batch_size (int) : Total batch size for training
    eval_batch_size (int) Total batch size for eval
    learning_rate (float) : The initial learning rate for Adam
    num_train_steps (int) : Number of training steps
    num_warmup_steps (int) Number of warmup steps
    save_checkpoints_steps (int) : How often to save the model checkpoint
    iterations_per_loop (int) : How many steps to make in each estimator call
    max_eval_steps (int) : Maximum number of eval steps