
Data and SPSS syntax for empirical paper, "Retribution as hierarchy regulation: Hierarchy preferences moderate the effect of offender socioeconomic status on support for retribution", published in The British Journal of Social Psychology, by Liz Redford and Kate A. Ratliff.

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Data and SPSS syntax for empirical paper, "Retribution as hierarchy regulation: Hierarchy preferences moderate the effect of offender socioeconomic status on support for retribution"

Data and SPSS syntax for empirical paper, "Retribution as hierarchy regulation: Hierarchy preferences moderate the effect of offender socioeconomic status on support for retribution", published in The British Journal of Social Psychology, by Liz Redford and Kate A. Ratliff.

Abstract/project summary:

People punish others for various reasons, including deterring future crime, incapacitating the offender, and retribution, or payback. The current research focuses on retribution, testing whether support for retribution is motivated by the desire to maintain social hierarchies. If so, then the retributive tendencies of hierarchy enhancers or hierarchy attenuators should depend on whether offenders are relatively lower or higher in status, respectively. Three studies showed that hierarchy attenuators were more retributive against high-status offenders than for low-status offenders, that hierarchy enhancers showed a stronger orientation toward retributive justice, and that relationship was stronger for low-status, rather than high-status, criminal offenders. These findings clarify the purpose and function of retributive punishment. They also reveal how hierarchy-regulating motives underlie retribution, motives which, if allowed to influence judgments, may contribute to biased or ineffective justice systems.

All files copied directly from the Open Science Framework page. Access the pre-print manuscript here or in this repo, and the journal version here (paywalled).

Notes on using these files:

  • Only the cleaned dataset is provided because raw data files contain sensitive, confidential information (IP addresses and potentially-identifying demographic information). The data files are SPSS files.