
Evoke 2019 DisruptAI Hackathon

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Evoke 2019 DisruptAI Hackathon

  • Team 9k
  • Project: Dev Explorer
  • View programming languages ranked by city and developer.


docker pull mongo:4.1.9-bionic
npm install
docker run --rm -p 27017:27017 --name mongo-9k -v $HOME/mongo-9k:/data/db -d mongo:4.1.9-bionic

Load data

Login to github; goto settings; generate a personal access token. Write the token to github-token.txt (don't commit this file!). Then run load_data.js with the token passed as an environment variable.

token=`cat github-token.txt` node load_data.js

To see the map data, you need a google key. Login to google maps api and get a javascript maps API key. Enable the javascript maps API and the geocoding API. Restrict the key to only use these 2 APIs. Write it to a file called public/google-maps-key.txt. You'll need to provide credit card details to google to get the key.


npm start

Go to localhost:3000 in browser


npm run dev

Go to localhost:3000 in browser

Drop mongo db database

node dropdb.js


Fix your crappy formatting

npm run fmt


  • /cities -> city names
  • /users -> user names
  • /user/:name -> data for user
  • /city/:name -> data for city

Response Format


cities: [
        {location: montreal, topLang: string, totalSize: num, numUsers: num},
        {location: toronto, topLang: string, totalSize: num, numUsers: num}


    users: [login1, login2, ...]


    location: toronto,
    laguages: { java: {byteSize: number, numUsers: number},
    topLanguage: java,
    numUsers: number,
    topUsers: [{..userData}, {...userData}, ...]


    "avatarUrl": "https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/37006818?v=4",
    "languages": {
        "Batchfile": 266,
        "C#": 661617,
        "C++": 473464,
        "HTML": 161877,
        "M": 353,
        "MATLAB": 124677,
        "Python": 539344,
        "QMake": 1087,
        "Visual Basic": 438954
    "location": "Montreal, Canada",
    "login": "RoboDK",
    "totalSize": 2401639,
    "url": "https://github.com/RoboDK"

Trouble shooting github requests

curl -v --header "Authorization: Bearer `cat github-token.txt`" -X POST --data "@query.json" https://api.github.com/graphql | python -m json.tool
token=`cat github-token.txt` node test_query.js

Screen shots

Initial view

Initial View

Top Developers per City

Top Developers per City

Top Languages per City

Top Languages per City

Top Languages per Developer

Top Languages per Developer