
TypeScript overview

Primary LanguageTypeScript

TypeScript Overivew

Here's a couple of small code examples to teach Typescript basics. Start by reviewing https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/typescript/. Then npm install and go through the 2 examples.

List ADT example


  • src/list.ts
  • test/list.test.ts

Notes on src

  • same runtime semantics as JavaScript
  • types are compile time only; do not exist at runtime
  • string literal types (kind = nil | cons)
  • Generic types: List<A>, Cons<A>
  • union types: A list is a Cons or a Nil
  • readonly, const
  • module exports
  • structural vs nominal typing
  • smart casts in reduce
    • cannot access head or tail of list until type is proven to be cons

Todo app example


  • src
    • index.ts: main loop (REPL)
    • item.ts : a single todo item
    • output.ts : structure of output to be displayed & ColoredString
    • result.ts: return type of todo.dispatch()
    • todo.ts: Todo class with core logic (todo.dispatch())
  • test
    • test/todo.test.ts
    • test/result.test.ts
    • test/output.test.ts


  • run the app with npm start

  • This is a read, eval, print loop (REPL) program

  • Result type

    • A Class defines a type and a value (constructor function)
    • next() has type narrowing & exhaustive checking
  • Todo

    • Todo has a list of items
    • Item has a description and a state
    • dispatch returns Result
    • All cases of switch return a Result
    • add & done return a Result
  • index.ts

    • node_module import vs local (relative) import
    • no stack issues because recursion is in callback
    • main loop of
      • input prompt
      • todo.dispatch()
      • dsplay(result.toOutput())
      • repeat or quit
  • output.ts

    • switch on color in ColoredString is exhaustive
  • tests

    • All todo tests just call dispatch and assert on result
  • Design for testability

    • Good: move IO out of core logic
    • Bad: mutation
    • Usually have to rely on dependency injection (think function parameters, not DI frameworks) when things are more complex
    • No branching logic in index.ts
  • Todo.dispatch returns Result

    • does not perform IO, only describes it

Main TypeScript Reference

Typescript Handbook

Review package.json

  • dependencies
  • devDependencies
  • Go over developing section & npm scripts.


First time install

Install node with nvm.

nvm install     # one-time install
nvm use         # each time you enter the project directory

Install npm packages.

npm install

Build it

npx tsc

Run it

npm start

Build and run it

npm run dev

Format, lint, build, test

npm run all

Test coverage

# Run the tests with `npm run all` or
npm test
# This will generate the test coverage report
# Then open the test coverage report
firefox coverage/index.html

Generate documentation

npm run doc
firefox doc/index.html &

Update dependencies

npm run ncu

Author: Lyall Jonathan Di Trapani