
Reindex starter kit with React and Auth0

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Comprehensive Reindex starter kit with React, Relay and Auth0 for Authentication. It also includes react-router-relay, so it's easy to add new routes.


  1. Install Reindex CLI and login

    npm install -g reindex-cli
    reindex login
  2. Set up Auth0 in Reindex

    Open GraphiQL console

    reindex grapihql

    In GraphiQL create ReindexAuthenticationProvider for Auth0.

    mutation {
      createReindexAuthenticationProvider(input: {
        type: auth0,
        isEnabled: true,
        domain: "YOUR-AUTH0-DOMAIN.auth0.com",
        clientId: "YOUR-AUTH0-CLIENT-ID",
        clientSecret: "YOUR-AUTH0-CLIENT-SECRET",
      }) {
  3. Install dependencies

    npm install
  4. Edit src/config.js to include your Reindex and Auth0 credentials

    export default {
      REINDEX_URL: 'https://YOUR-REINDEX-URL.myreindex.com',
      AUTH0_DOMAIN: 'YOUR-AUTH0-DOMAIN.auth0.com',
  5. Get Relay JSON schema

    reindex schema-relay scripts/RelaySchema.json
  6. Run development server

    npm start

    Go to http://localhost:3000


  1. Build production version

    npm run build
  2. You can now deploy build/ folder to static hosting of your choice. We recommend surge.sh.

    npm install -g surge
    surge build/