Lightweight Clojure bindings for Apache Kafka 0.9.X
and up.
Currently targetting Kafka
. Support for
is planned soon.
Gregor wraps most of the Java API for the Kafka Producer and New Consumer and is almost feature complete as of 0.2.0
. The intent of this project is to stay very close to the Kafka API instead of adding more advanced features.
Here's an example of at-least-once processing (using the excellent mount
(ns gregor-sample-app.core
(:require [clojure.repl :as repl]
[gregor.core :as gregor]
[mount.core :as mount :refer [defstate]]))
(def run (atom true))
(defstate consumer
:start (gregor/consumer "localhost:9092"
{"auto.offset.reset" "earliest"
"" "false"})
:stop (gregor/close consumer))
(defstate producer
:start (gregor/producer "localhost:9092")
:stop (gregor/close producer))
(defn -main
[& args]
(repl/set-break-handler! (fn [sig] (reset! run false)))
(while @run
(let [consumer-records (gregor/poll consumer)
values (process-records consumer-records)]
(doseq [v values]
(gregor/send producer "other-topic" v))
(gregor/commit-offsets! consumer)))
Transformations over consumer records are applied in process-records
. Each record in
the seq
returned by poll
is a map. Here's an example with a JSON object as the
{:value "{\"foo\":42}"
:key nil
:partition 0
:topic "test-topic"
:offset 939}
Gregor provides the send
function for asynchronously sending a record to a topic. There
are multiple arities which correspond to those of the ProducerRecord
Java constructor. If
you'd like to provide a callback to be invoked when the send has been acknowledged use
Create a topic:
(create-topic {:connection-string "localhost:2181"} "some-topic" {})
That empty map can be used to specify configuration for number of topic partitions, replication factor,
Delete a topic:
(delete-topic {:connection-string "localhost:2181"} "some-topic")
Query about a topic's existence:
(topic-exists? {:connection-string "localhost:2181"} "some-topic")