This is an open source API Client for node.js for IBM Quantum Experience that allows the execution of QASM into a Quantum Computer or Simulator.
You need an account and token granted by IBM Quantum Experience to use the API. To know more and request access visit IBM Quantum Experience.
Install the node module via npm
npm install ibmq_api --save
Include the module on your project
var api = require('ibmq_api');
Most of the API calls require a token authentication. Perform a login before calling any other API call.
api.login(YOUR_API_TOKEN).then(val => {
//Login Successful, you may use other api call.
}).catch(val => {
//Failed Auth
Your login token and login data are kept on the object so you only need to login while the object is kept on memory, but you may retrive your auth data from the server and store it elsewhere
var auth = api.getAuth();
and set it to a new object
var api2 = require('ibmq_api');
All API methods return a Promise object.
Run QASM Code
var qasm = 'include "";\nqreg q[5];\ncreg c[5];\nx q[0];';
var device = 'simulator';, 'QASM2', device).then(val => {
console.log('Code succesfully executed ');
console.log('Result Data' + JSON.stringify(val, null, 2));
}).catch(val => console.log('Error executing code ' + val));
Get Devices Available
api.getDevices().then(val => {
console.log('Got devices! ' + JSON.stringify(val));
}).catch(val => console.log('Error getting devices ' + val));
Get Execution
var executionId = 01021020934....; //YOUR EXECUTION ID
api.getExecution(executionId).then(val => {
console.log('Execution Results ' + JSON.stringify(val, null, 2));
}).catch(val => console.log('Error getting execution' + val));
Get All Executions of Code
var codeId = 01021020934....; //YOUR CODE ID
api.getCodeExecutions(codeId).then(val => {
console.log('All Executions of Code ' + JSON.stringify(val, null, 2));
}).catch(val => console.log('Error getting code executions' + val));
Learn more about the other methods by checking the examples