
Game audio API to play music made with BeepComp chiptune app. 16 channels of sound effects (WAV/OGG files) can be loaded and played on top of music.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

***** BCPlayer - BeepComp Audio Engine API *****

I am developing this library so that game/app developers can easily use music made with BeepComp in their projects. The point of making this library is to come up with an audio engine that can read and play directly from text source files, eliminating the need for the user to convert their music work to audio files. This way, your project file will stay lightweight, too! :)

The currently available features are:

  • Load BeepComp source text files to play background music
  • Can load a std::string source to play music instead of loading a file
  • SFX engine with 16 independent slots for sound effects
  • Load sound with 16bit WAV or OGG audio files, mono or stereo
  • Stereo panning for each sound effect


This library depends on the following libraries:

- portaudio
- libsndfile

So if you want to use this library for your project, you will need to link against these libraries. The lib folder has the two necessary .lib files --- portaudio.lib and libsndfile, these should be linked to your program when you compile.

Folder Structure

I would recommend setting up your project this way:

MyGameProject/ ----+----- include/ --------- BC/ ---------------- (many .h files)
                   +----- lib/ ---------+--- portaudio_x86.lib       
                   |                    |
                   |                    +--- libsndfile-1.lib           				 
                   +----- BCPlayer.cpp
                   +----- main.cpp

The BC folder inside the include folder has all the header files that BCPlayer needs. All you have to do to "include" to BCPlayer library is just add the following directive at the top of your source where you want to use BCPlayer.

#include "BC/BCPlayer.h"

The single BCPlayer.cpp file is the library. Let it sit next to your main function and just compile along with all your source code.
And when you comile, remember to link against the two .lib files in the lib folder.

How to Use the Library

Using BCPlayer is pretty easy. Begin by including the header in your source:

#include "BC/BCPlayer.h"

In your program where you want to use BCPlayer, instantiate a BCPlayer object.

BCPlayer bcplayer;

Then, to load music from a BeepComp source text file and play it:


And... you can do other things like changing volume or setting up your music to loop etc.:

bcplayer.setMusicVolume(60); // scale to 100

You can play sound effects on top your music. There are 16 possible slots (0-15). This example load a sound to slot #2 and play it:

bcplayer.loadSFX(2, "bang.wav"); // needs to be 16-bit WAV, can be mono or stereo

These example programs will show you more....:

Building Your Project with BCPlayer

Bulletpoints of what should happen in your compilation:

  • The include folder should have the BC folder inside it
  • Tell the compiler to include your include folder
  • Compile your source along with BCPlayer.cpp
  • Link against libsndfile and portaudio libraries, which BCPlayer depends on

So, if you're using MinGW, you can build your project like this:

g++ BCPlayer.cpp myApp.cpp -I/.include lib/libsndfile-1.lib lib/portaudio_x86.lib -o myApp

Try the Demos

(For Windows users...)

After you clone this repository, you can run the demo executables, like SFXTest.exe to quickly see what the library can do. The folder structure is already set up for building your project inside it, also. Have fun! :)