
docker builder for Ai-Thinker A9/A9G GPRS module ( RDA8955)

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Docker build environment for Ai-Thinker A9/A9G (RDA8955)

We can do more awsome works by docker image, e.g.

  • Set up build evironment faster and easier without affecting the host (physical machine/PC) environment
  • No platform limitation, you just need to install docker
  • Makes automatic testing easier


0. Install docker

Just follow official doc here

1. Get build environment docker image

docker pull neucrack/gprs_build

Use daocloud maybe faster if you are in China

docker pull daocloud.io/neucrack/gprs_build

2. Run gprs build container

put you project in a projects folder, like ~/projects

docker run -it --name gprs_builder -v ~/projects:/projects neucrack/gprs_build /bin/bash


run command in docker container

cd /projects/GPRS_C_SDK
./build.sh demo gpio


./build.sh demo gpio