Bióloga, PhDc. en Ciencias | Ilustradora Científica | Instituto de Ecología-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Pinned Repositories
This repository contains the R scripts employed to perform statistical analyses and generate the plots of the manuscript entitled "Giraldo-Kalil et al. 2022. Patterns of leaf trait variation underlie ecological differences among sympatric tree species of Damburneya in a tropical rainforest (Am. J. Bot, 109(9): 1394-1409))"
This repository contains the R scripts employed to perform the ecological niche models, and the niche overlap analyses contained in the article: "Ecological niche comparison among closely related tree species of Lauraceae using climatic and edaphic data." (In Press, Frontiers of Biogeography)
ljgiraldok's Repositories
This repository contains the R scripts employed to perform statistical analyses and generate the plots of the manuscript entitled "Giraldo-Kalil et al. 2022. Patterns of leaf trait variation underlie ecological differences among sympatric tree species of Damburneya in a tropical rainforest (Am. J. Bot, 109(9): 1394-1409))"
This repository contains the R scripts employed to perform the ecological niche models, and the niche overlap analyses contained in the article: "Ecological niche comparison among closely related tree species of Lauraceae using climatic and edaphic data." (In Press, Frontiers of Biogeography)