
Gaussian accelerated Molecular Dynamics in OpenMM

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

implementing GaMD in openmm with a LangevinIntegrator

GaMD in OpenMM

See the notebook for the full derivation. In OpenMM, the easiest way to implement the boost potential is to modify the force, which is done like this:

Custom integrator that does this, along with Langevin dynamics:

the integrator:

class CustomGaMDLangevinIntegrator(CustomIntegrator):
    def __init__(self, temperature, friction, dt, ktot, Etot, kgrp, Egrp, forceGroup):
        self.ktot = ktot 
        self.Etot = Etot 
        self.kgrp = kgrp
        self.Egrp = Egrp
        self.forceGroup = str(forceGroup)
        CustomIntegrator.__init__(self, dt)
            #lew added:
        self.addGlobalVariable("ktot", self.ktot)
        self.addGlobalVariable("Etot", self.Etot)
        self.addGlobalVariable("kgrp", self.ktot)
        self.addGlobalVariable("Egrp", self.Egrp)
        self.addGlobalVariable("groupEnergy", 0)
            #normal langevin:  
        self.addGlobalVariable("temperature", temperature);
        self.addGlobalVariable("friction", friction);
        self.addGlobalVariable("vscale", 0);
        self.addGlobalVariable("fscale", 0);
        self.addGlobalVariable("noisescale", 0);
        self.addPerDofVariable("x0", 0);
        self.addPerDofVariable("fgrp", 0)
            #normal langevin:                                                                  
        self.addComputeGlobal("groupEnergy", "energy"+self.forceGroup)
        self.addComputePerDof("fgrp", "f"+self.forceGroup)
        self.addComputeGlobal("vscale", "exp(-dt*friction)");
        self.addComputeGlobal("fscale", "(1-vscale)/friction");
        #original line:                
        self.addComputeGlobal("noisescale", "sqrt(kT*(1-vscale*vscale)); kT=0.00831451*temperature");
        self.addComputePerDof("x0", "x");
            #original langevin line:                                                                                      
        #self.addComputePerDof("v", "vscale*v + fscale*f/m + noisescale*gaussian/sqrt(m)");  
        dof_string = "vscale*v + fscale*fprime/m + noisescale*gaussian/sqrt(m);"
        dof_string+= "fprime= fprime1 + fprime2;"
        #fprime2 is the dihedral force modified by the boost. Boot calculated using group only. 
        dof_string+= "fprime2 = fgrp*((1-modifyGroup) + modifyGroup* (1 - kgrp*(Egrp - groupEnergy)) ) ;"
        #fprime1 is the other forces modified by the boost, but the boost is calculated using TOTAL energy. 
        dof_string+= "fprime1 = ftot*((1-modifyTotal) + modifyTotal* (1 - ktot*(Etot - energy)) );"
        dof_string+= "ftot=f-fgrp;"
        dof_string+= "modifyGroup=step(Egrp-groupEnergy);"
        dof_string+= "modifyTotal=step(Etot-energy);"
        self.addComputePerDof("v", dof_string); 
            #normal langevin                                            
        self.addComputePerDof("x", "x+dt*v");
        self.addComputePerDof("v", "(x-x0)/dt");
        self.addComputePerDof("veloc", "v")
    def setKtot(self, newK):
        if not is_quantity(newK):
            newK = newK/kilojoules_per_mole
        self.setGlobalVariableByName('ktot', newK)
    def setEtot(self, newE):
        if not is_quantity(newE):
            newE = newE*kilojoules_per_mole
        self.setGlobalVariableByName('Etot', newE)
    def setKgrp(self, newK):
        if not is_quantity(newK):
            newK = newK/kilojoules_per_mole
        self.setGlobalVariableByName('kgrp', newK)
    def setEgrp(self, newE):
        #if not is_quantity(newE):
        #    newE = newE*kilojoules_per_mole
        #    print(newE)
        self.setGlobalVariableByName('Egrp', newE)
    def getGrpBoost(self, grpEnergy):
        kgrp = self.getGlobalVariableByName('kgrp')/kilojoules_per_mole
        Egrp = self.getGlobalVariableByName('Egrp')*kilojoules_per_mole
        if not is_quantity(grpEnergy):
            grpEnergy = grpEnergy*kilojoules_per_mole # Assume kJ/mole
        if (grpEnergy > Egrp):
            return 0*kilojoules_per_mole #no boosting
        return ( 0.5 * kgrp * (Egrp-grpEnergy)**2 ) # 'k' parameter should instead be per kj/mol
    def getTotBoost(self, totEnergy):
        ktot = self.getGlobalVariableByName('ktot')/kilojoules_per_mole
        Etot = self.getGlobalVariableByName('Etot')*kilojoules_per_mole
        if not is_quantity(totEnergy):
            totEnergy = totEnergy*kilojoules_per_mole # Assume kJ/mole
        if (totEnergy > Etot):
            return 0*kilojoules_per_mole #no boosting
        return ( 0.5 * ktot * (Etot-totEnergy)**2 ) # 'k' parameter should instead be per kj/mol
    def getEffectiveEnergy(self, totEnergy, grpEnergy):
        if not is_quantity(totEnergy):
            totEnergy = totEnergy*kilojoules_per_mole # Assume kJ/mole
        if not is_quantity(grpEnergy):
            grpEnergy = grpEnergy*kilojoules_per_mole # Assume kJ/mole
        group_boost = self.getGrpBoost(grpEnergy)
        total_boost = self.getTotBoost(totEnergy)
        return totEnergy + group_boost + total_boost

now, when setting E to Vmax, estimate GaMD parameters like this:

pe = np.array(my_potential_energies)

#set the desired maximum standard deviation of the boost potential to be 10kT: 
sigma_0 = (MOLAR_GAS_CONSTANT_R * TEMPERATURE ).value_in_unit(kilojoule_per_mole) * 10
print(f'Sigma0: {sigma_0}')

#potential energy statistics:
Vmax = pe.max()
Vmin = pe.min()
Vavg = pe.mean()
Vstd = np.std(pe)

print(f'Vmax: {Vmax},\nVmin: {Vmin},\nVavg: {Vavg},\nVstd: {Vstd}')
k_0 = min(1, sigma_0/Vstd * ((Vmax-Vmin)/(Vmax-Vavg)))

k = k_0 * (1 / (Vmax - Vmin) )

print(f'k_0: {k_0},\nk: {k}')