
Vim plugin to ask for confirmation on quit

Primary LanguageVim Script


Present the user with a confirmation prompt when quitting the last open Vim window. This is particularly useful when running a GUI Vim, but can be configured for terminal Vim as well.

I wrote this plugin because I oftentimes find myself bouncing back and forth between terminal and GUI Vim sessions. When I've been in the terminal for a while, doing a number of :q's to quit Vim, that muscle memory seems to carry over when I go back to my GUI vim, resulting in an unintended :q that quits my GUI session where I may have had many things in flight.

The core of the plugin is a function called ConfirmQuit() which is made available to plugin users (i.e. it's not script scoped) who wish to add or modify key assignments. ConfirmQuit() takes one parameter indicating whether or not a write operation should be performed before quiting.


Simply install ljohnston/vim-confirmquit via your favorite Vim package manager.

Key Assignments

There are no key mappings created by the plugin. Rather, the plugin creates cabbrev's for the following keys by default:

  • q - ConfirmQuit hook into :q
  • wq - ConfirmQuit hook into :wq
  • x - ConfirmQuit hook into :x

Why cabbrev instead of key mappings?

Keys could be mappend via c[nore]map. This has a couple of drawbacks, however:

  • Possibly introducing a key delay on the mapped keys when used in a command.

  • Taking effect in a non-Ex command mode. For example, if we mapped the following:

    cnoremap <silent> q<cr>  :call ConfirmQuit(0)<cr>

    ... searching for a string that ended in q (followed by a carriage return) would result in a search for the literal string 'call ConfirmQuit(0)', which is obviously an undesired side affect.

Using cabbrev as follows, solves both of these problems quite niceley.

cabbrev q <c-r>=(getcmdtype()==':' && getcmdpos()==1 ? 'silent call ConfirmQuit(0)' : 'q')<cr>

Note that silent in the above is not used for terminal Vim configuration as the prompt would not appear.


The following configuration settings are provided:

" Enable confirmation prompting for GUI Vim (defaults to 1):
let g:confirmquit_gui = 1

" Enable confirmation prompting for terminal Vim (defaults to 0):
let g:confirmquit_gui = 1

" Do not create default cabbrev's for 'q', 'wq', and 'x'.
let g:confirmquit_no_cabbrevs = 1