

The configuration of the Broadcast is in the broadcast.config. All fields are optional, with a default value if not specified :

  • addr : The address of the Rendezvous server. Default :
  • port : The port of the Rendezvous server. Default : 4446
  • spawn : How many processes to spawn. Default : 100
  • N : The size of the entire system. Default : 100
  • G : The size of the Gossip peers set. Default : 10
  • E : The size of the Echo peers set. Default : 40
  • E_thr : The Echo threshold. Default : 10
  • R : The size of the Ready peers set. Default : 30
  • R_thr : The Ready threshold. Default : 10
  • D : The size of the Delivery peers set. Default : 25
  • D_thr : The Delivery threshold. Default : 14


The Rendezvous server and the Broadcast both accept input commands. The following commands exist for the Rendezvous server :

  • exit : Stops the server

The following commands exist for the Broadcast :

  • send : Trigger the signal to a random process to dispatch a Message
  • exit : Stops the Broadcast


Before running the Broadcast, run the Rendezvous server with the following command :

cargo run --bin rendezvous

Once the Rendezvous server is running, the Broadcast can be started with :

cargo run

To initiate the dispatch of a Message by a random process, run the command :



The documentation for the code can be found here.