
Small app to create and share wish lists (in Dutch)

Primary LanguageClojure


A web app for wish lists.



If you're a beginner to Clojure and don't have a favorite setup yet, give Visual Studio Code in combination with the Calva extension a try.

Once you've installed Visual Studio Code and Calva, connect Calva to the project using the project type deps.edn and the alias :dev, and start development.

A convenient way to get started is opening dev/user.clj and evaluating expressions using alt+enter.

Running the app

Run clojure -X:run to start the app. Obviously, this requires Clojure.

Alternatively, run clojure -X:uberjar to create an uberjar, followed by java -jar target/lijstje-<version>-standalone.jar to start the application. Starting the application like this doesn't require Clojure, only Java.

Running migrations

Use clojure -X:migrate to run migrations via Clojure. Use java -jar target/lijstje-<version>-standalone.jar migrate to run migrations via Java.

Creating a native image

Use the GraalVM tracing agent to find out which code is reachable and capture this information in the form of configuration files by first executing the following command:

java -agentlib:native-image-agent=config-output-dir=resources/META-INF/native-image/generated -jar target/lijstje-<version>-standalone.jar

While the app is running, perform some requests to allow the tracing agent to do its work.

Afterwards, execute the following command to create a native image:

native-image -jar target/lijstje-<version>-standalone.jar --no-fallback \
--initialize-at-build-time=ch.qos.logback \
--initialize-at-build-time=org.slf4j \