

Opened this issue · 38 comments

zupo commented

After each meetup, walk around and ask people if they could sponsor the next meetup and add them to the top of the list. When a sponsor is selected, check it out here and add the date. When organizing a new meetup, contact potential sponsors below (bottom up, first contact unchecked sponsors) if they could do it on this meetup. If there are no new potential sponsors, contact past sponsors if they wanna do it again.

The sponsorship fee is 200€ which covers the venue and (some) free beer for participants. If the sponsor wants to bring something extra (cupcakes, pizzas), they are welcome to. :)


  • @niteoweb: June 2015, September 2016, June 2018, January 2019
  • @Bitstamp: June 2017, July 2017, August 2017, November 2018, December 2018
  • @kiwicom: September 2017, October 2018
  • @toptal: July 2018, August 2018, September 2018, August 2019
  • @Zemanta: October 2017, May 2018, October 2019
  • blocktrade.com: April 2018
  • rialto.ai: March 2018
  • plantformance.com: November 2017
  • klev.io: February 2019
  • visionect: March 2019
  • eSolve (@nguruprasanna) (May 2019)
  • hehe.si (April 2019)
  • @datafyit: May 2017
  • @miohtama: Dec 2016
  • @defactto: Jun 2016
  • @reciprocity: June 2015, September 2019
  • @genialis June 2019, November 2019
  • @sinergise July 2019
  • harmonia.si December 2019, September 2021, October 2021, November 2021
  • @sportradar January 2020


  • appmonsta.com

  • 1tapreceipts.com (they suggested they bring cupcakes!)

  • @brodul

  • gospodar-zdravja.si

  • @termitnjak

zupo commented

Raised the sponsorship free from €150 to €200.

@zupo I have a sponsor for Feb meeting. Will it take place? What do you need?

zupo commented

@jmakov: I'm not in SI, so someone to organize it: https://github.com/ljpy/meetups/blob/master/ORGANIZATION.md

@teardrop and @josthkko said they can help, you guys should talk.

@jmakov sure, we can help, just ping me.

@josthkko msg sent via Linkedin

Toptal (https://www.toptal.com) would be happy to sponsor an upcoming meetup. We'd also be happy to provide a speaker from our network, I'll followup in #1 about that.

@zupo Happy to sponsor July!

We are @toptal if you want to tag us above in the sponsors list.

@zupo, Visionect can sponsor February meetup

zupo commented

@longchiwen: Great! I'm away in Feb, but the meetup should still happen!

@romunov: ^

Great. Just tell me what to do to make it happen

@longchiwen that's great to hear. Can I put you up for the March session? February (see #22) is already covered by klev.io.

@longchiwen can I count on Visionect for March session to sponsor the event?

@romunov, sorry for late response, we were chasing deadlines :). The offer still stands for March session.

@romunv eSolve can sponsor

Still looking for sponsors for April 2019 event.

Hi @romunov and @zupo ,

Sinergise would like to offer to sponsor June's event. We would only ask that the meetup is not in the last week of June, because we are at GeoPython conference. Week 17th-21st June would be perfect for us.

We would also like to prepare 2 longer talks presenting our research work with satellite data in Python. The main focus would be eo-learn package for building ML pipelines for satellite data.

Would this be possible?

zupo commented

I'm out of country after June 15th, so that's good. @romunov do you have any talks/sponsors already booked for June?

@romunov, any news regarding June's session?

@AleksMat sorry for getting back so late. We already have a pledged sponsor for June. Can you do July? We would most welcome your talks in June, though.

Ok, we can have talks in June and sponsor in July.

Looking for sponsors for August 2019 (and beyond). Does anyone have any leads?

Toptal is potentially interested in sponsoring again.

Thanks @brianking. I'll keep you in mind for the August 2019 session.

Is Toptal confirmed for August?

@brianking we are on!

@romunov Any chance of us getting a blurb on the event page with the logo?

Also, my schedule is tight tonight and I'll be available at the venue at around 6:30. Can I do a Toptal pitch sometime after that?

@sarajaksa Sounds good, I should be available after 6:30. You'll see me floating around in a blue Toptal t-shirt! I'll bring the rollup banner before the event starts.

@brianking editing of the meetup page is not possible (trying to get it to work on a bus to Ljubljana). It's complaining that the event has already happened, eve though I moved the time forward... Sorry. I'll make it a point to have this for the next event. Feel free to remind me.

Any takes to sponsor the October event?

Looking for sponsors for November 2019 meetup. Please contact me if you'd like to support us.

December's even will be sponsored by itklinika and January's by @sportradar.