
Python scripts using MS Graph API to store MS Teams statistics

Primary LanguagePython

MS Teams User and Group Statistics

This script uses Microsoft Graph to obtain Microsoft Teams usage details per user. Statistics are stored in SharePoint Online lists.

User Stats

postTeamsStatsToSPO.py -- updates individual usage statistics and posts a daily summary to a Teams channel using a webhook.

updateUserData.py -- Updates account status and reporting information

Group Stats

postGroupStatsToSPO.py -- Inserts newly created Teams spaces, updates visibility, and creates a searchable HTML table of public Teams

getGroupActivity.py -- Updates Team owner, member count, and date of latest Channel activity


Data is stored in SharePoint Online lists using SPO's REST API. TableCrossReference.xlsx provides the list definitions. When creating lists, be aware that internal column names may not match column display names.

Register an Azure application. Log into http://portal.azure.com and create a new application with application permissions to use Reports.Read.All

Create a generic webhook URL for your Teams channel.

In the root directory, copy key.sample to key.py and generate a new key:

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
# Put this somewhere safe!
key = Fernet.generate_key()
print("The key is %s" % key)

Encrypt credentials with access to your SPO list:

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
f = Fernet(strKey)
token = f.encrypt(b"uid@example.com")
print("The crypted version is %s" % token)
token = f.encrypt(b"R3Al|yG0.dPwdG03s!|-|3rE")
print("The crypted version is %s" % token)

In each subfolder, copy config.sample to config.py and modify with your application registration information, tenant auth URL, SPO credentials, and webhook URL.